The Nevada Independent has announced they will be selling advertising on their website. Such a great idea. We thought why not? Contact PIcon at if you’re interested in drinking deep.
Picon Press Media LLC
Many folks don't trust the media. That's not news. At Picon Press Media LLC, we hope to regain that trust through nonpartisan coverage that is grounded in public records and guided by transparency, not innuendo or online grandstanding. We'll follow the facts - for you.
Great Advice …
Picon always reads The Barber Brief and Ms. Barber got it right in the latest brief “Preview: February 26, 2025 Reno City Council meeting” where she noted this Hunden Partners presentation that was talked about at the City of Reno’s Redevelopment Agency Advisory Board (RAAB) being worth a read.
We have put up the 110 page report which is chocked full of information.
Picon urges all to closely watch the RAAB because they have a lot of power and were appointed by Mayor Hillary Schieve with little or no involvement from anyone else in the city.
You Must Vote, As We Say
Wow! Commissioner Clara Andriola became a Republican for less than 24-hours on July 9, 2024. Andriola has asked for Agenda Item #22 to be placed back on the July 16, 2024, Washoe County Board of Commission Agenda, guess she’s had a change of heart, and now wants to certify the two recounts as the Democratic Attorney General and Secretary of State want her to. Andriola voted on July 9, 2024 not to certify. Guess a girl can change her mind when being threatened with criminal actions and dire consequences.
We Got It Wrong
Picon calls upon others to be transparent, so we attempt to always be so.
We seem to have gotten it wrong with our Parting of the Red Sea article on June 9, 2024.
Parting the Red Sea at Washoe County
Picon Googled the Parting of the Red Sea and was served up information from Wikipedia.
Our question did Andriola part the Red Sea and let her Republican base cross and then close the sea and leave Commissioner Alexis Hill struggling to find a pair of water wings.
Is a PAC Picking the Washoe County District 4 Candidate?
The political primary season has reached a level of desperation rarely seen, and the delightful spectacle is one to behold. The air is filled with the scent of desperation emanating from the candidate’s seeking reelection, creating an atmosphere of questionable and yet brilliant maneuvers.
Why Did We Burn Our Bras?
At the Washoe County Commission meeting, Mariluz Garcia stated yesterday she had received a curveball regarding Agenda Item 10, the approval of agreements with RISE, Volunteers of America, and Karma Box Project at the Nevada Cares Campus.
We sort of think Garcia threw a curveball right back at the residents of Washoe County, when she supported the three agreements being approved after allegations regarding Karma Box Project.
Double Cross
Well, well, if it isn't Commissioner Mike Clark playing Johnny Political Narc again, this time blowing the whistle on a shadowy Las Vegas PAC slipping shady support to Appointed Commissioner Clara Andriola's reelection bid. Who isn’t helping Andriola in this zany primary. Governor Joe Lombardo has called out “all hands-on deck,” because he can’t risk Clara losing to any of the rag-tag group of Republican opponents, including a fired Sparks Fire Chief - Mark Lawson, CBS News Election Denier - Tracey Hilton-Thoms, and a couple of other Republican candidates in the race.
Watch It and Weep
Okay, we got called out again and many supporters, three, of Appointed Commissioner Clara Andriola called Picon out. They said, what we said, Andriola said was untrue…
Copycat Clara & Clark Wants the Truth
Picon was watching the Tuesday, May 14, 2024, Washoe County Commission Meeting, and two items struck us…
Clara, if you are explaining, you are losing
This all appears to be an explanation campaign…
It’s the PITs
According to Washoe County Government the homeless/unhoused population that they had touted had been cut in half last year, now have bad news for all you taxpaying residents and, hey, the numbers are up, but only slightly, and Washoe County expected it.
Clara Knows How to Get the Homeless Population Off the Streets? She Does?
Picon was sent this poll and after thinking about it a bit we remembered a great quote.
“Polls? Nah... they're for strippers and cross-country skiers.” - Sarah Palin
Seems as if Appointed Candidate Clara Andriola is doing another poll, or someone is who must be giving her an ‘in-kind’ donation is because this poll really, really, wants to make sure you like Andriola, and gives you the opportunity to change your mind, and maybe like her better than Mark Lawson, the Sparks fired Fire Chief candidate. Andriola’s team is shocked they have to worry about Lawson in the primary election. Oops.
Electioneering Much?
Picon had a dedicated reader call us unfair. They said we are ‘picking on’ Tracey Hilton Thomas.
The public records of Temporary Restraining Orders was brought to light by a phone poll that was made in District 4 and a reader alerted us to this poll and questions asked about the candidates. These records were from 2006 and 2002, the candidate had years to have the court records sealed.
Commissioner Andriola Can You Pass the Sodium Pentothal?
Picon ponders if Governor Joe Lombardo put any time/research into his decision to appoint Clara Andriola as the Washoe County commissioner in District 4. His choice is blowing-up his Republican party in Washoe County and shouldn’t he be thinking about his re-election in 2026. Or is Joe one and done? Might that explain his “pulling his party apart” commissioner appointment choice of Andriola, he just didn’t care. Or was he doing a favor for a contributor? Or a City Councilmember in Sparks?
WOW Factor at Washoe County Jail
Picon has questions why Washoe County Nevada Government Human Services Agency senior lunches are not more robust, and perhaps more flavorful. County Manger Eric Brown explained it away because seniors can’t have salt, sugar and need certain flavor profiles for health. Guess that doesn’t extend to the “innocent until proven guilty” residents at the Washoe County Jail.
Mariluz Was Missed
Voters, you really need to pay attention to what is going on at Washoe County Government. Agenda Item 10.E.1 which was approving the “Early Voting and Election Day locations.” It was mentioned by a public commenter that Appointed Commissioner Clara Andriola has a campaign office at Red Hawk which will also be one of the polling locations. Conflict? Could be.
Mike Clark Soothsayer?
Yes, Mike Clark can predict the future, he just proved it when Picon took a look at Appointed Commissioner Clara Andriola’s latest Nevada Secretary of State Contribution and Expense Report, filed on April 15, 2024, it shows an ‘In Kind’ donation from Lamar Companies of $6,843.75 for a digital billboard. Plus, Andriola spent an additional $14,895.50 to buy more billboard advertising from Lamar. What is Andriola running for Governor?
Clara Finds Her Voice, Quietly
During the March 26, 2024, Washoe County Board of Commissioners meeting there was an odd exchange between Commission Chair Alexis Hill and Appointed Commissioner Clara Andriola which we continue to be perplexed by. The exchange was all but whispered by Commissioner Andriola as if she would be in ‘trouble’ if she said too much.
The Good Stuff is at the Bottom…
The Nevada Globe reported on November 2, 2023, the recall of two elected Trustees from the IVGID/Incline Village General Improvement District both failed to get the numbers of signatures needed for a special election. It was close, but there is no cigars in recall attempts. The petition lacked 75 signatures for Trustee Matthew Dent and 114 signatures for Trustee Sara Schmitz.