Clara Knows How to Get the Homeless Population Off the Streets? She Does?
Picon was sent this poll and after thinking about it a bit we remembered a great quote.
“Polls? Nah... they're for strippers and cross-country skiers.” - Sarah Palin
Seems as if Appointed Candidate Clara Andriola is doing another poll, or someone is who must be giving her an ‘in-kind’ donation because this poll really, really, wants to make sure you like Andriola, and gives you the opportunity to change your mind, and maybe like her better than Mark Lawson, the Sparks fired Fire Chief candidate. Andriola’s team is shocked they have to worry about Lawson in the primary election. Oops.
First, they wanted to throw us off the scent this was a Clara Andriola poll and inquired, “What are the chances of your voting in the June 11th primary election for US Senate, Congress, and other offices.” Then, the poll goes to the heart of its purpose, “Generally speaking do you think that things in Washoe County are going in the right direction, or do you feel things have gotten off on the wrong track?” They gave us a list of concerns, all of which Andriola has voted for on the Washoe County Commission, against elected Republican commissioners Jeanne Herman and Mike Clark. Picon was intrigued to move forward. We were asked to ‘rate our feelings’ toward each of the following public figures:
What is your opinion of Clara Andriola?
What is your opinion of Mark Lawson?
What is your opinion of Tracey Hilton-Thomas?
What is your opinion of Joe Lombardo?
What is your opinion of Trista Gomez?
What is your opinion of Donald Trump?
And then came the ‘million dollar’ question of If the election was held today, for whom would you vote and #1 on the list is Clara Andriola, and on the poll where Lawson had just been number two on the “What is your opinion” he was dropped to number #4 on this list. The folks who crafted this poll tried to skew it. Clever, but not clever enough.
The next question, even though he was #4, is “How certain are you that you would vote for Mark Lawson, are you very certain, somewhat certain, or not certain at all?”
The poll then wants to know about Andriola –
“As a lifelong volunteer, Clara knows how to get the homeless population off the streets. She will clean up Washoe County and get residents the help they need.” Our choice: Very convincing or Somewhat convincing. How about NOT CONVINCING at all. Why would anyone associated with Andriola’s campaign be silly enough to ask a homeless question? Andriola has been a commissioner for a little over a year, and who can name us one thing she has done to ‘get the homeless population off the streets” except all of her votes to spend massive amounts of taxpayer dollars in support of the Nevada Cares Campus. Does that count? Or is she getting the homeless off the streets by putting them in the Cares Campus.
How has Andriola been using her ‘lifelong volunteer-ism’ to get the homeless population off the streets for the last twelve months. Oh, and let’s remember most of Andriola’s ‘lifelong volunteer-ism’ has had a pay check associated with it. Andriola was paid to be the Executive Director of non-profits; how does that make her a ‘lifelong volunteer.’
Next question: “Clara has the support and endorsement of Republican Governor Joe Lombardo for the County Commission seat.” Is Andriola’s election team trying to lose Washoe County for Joe Lombardo in 2026? Just keep reminding voters that Lombardo appointed her.
Next question: “Clara is a true conservative who will fight for lower taxes for all, and less regulation for Washoe’s small businesses.” How has Clara as a Washoe County commissioner been fighting for lower taxes over the last twelve months? Show us.
Picon will stop boring you, we’ve posted some of the poll questions. This poll ticked us off.
We decided to take this poll to 4th Street to talk to the homeless population that Andriola’s campaign poll claims “Clara knows how to get off the streets.”. The folks we talked to found this poll as offensive as we do. It was easy to ask them all to take it, since due to ‘free phone’ giveaways by the Cares Campus everyone has a cell phone. We talked to about 100 people and think all of them took the poll, and our bet, from what they told us, they sure didn’t choose Clara Andriola.
This ‘clever’ poll is now skewed, messed up, trashed, Andriola’s team can start over again, after all the campaign has more than enough money. Nice try Team Andriola.