Double Cross
Well, well, if it isn't Commissioner Mike Clark playing Johnny Political Narc again, this time blowing the whistle on a shadowy Las Vegas PAC slipping shady support to Appointed Commissioner Clara Andriola's reelection bid. Who isn’t helping Andriola in this zany primary. Governor Joe Lombardo has called out “all hands-on deck,” because he can’t risk Clara losing to any of the ragtag group of Republican opponents, including a fired Sparks Fire Chief - Mark Lawson, CBS News Election Denier - Tracey Hilton-Thomas, and a couple of other Republican candidates in the race.
But the real jaw-dropper? This "New Day Nevada" PAC bankrolling Andriola's campaign is headed by none other than the “Darling of the Nevada Democratic Party” Riley Sutton. The same kingmaker pulling strings for Reno's liberal elite like Devon Reese and Alexis Hill.
Riley Sutton, owner of Changing Dynamics, is the guy who is whispering in Angie Taylor, Devon Reese, Alexis Hill, and Erica Roth’s ears. He’s the guy who is working to get all these “Darling Dems” elected.
Isn't this the same rapscallion who's on a holier-than-thou crusade to purge any Republican daring to accept a measly cent from contributor Robert Beadles? Someone's moral compass is spinning like a tilt-a-whirl.
“Riley the Good” is battling “Beadles the Bad” attempting to stop any candidate who dared to take $1.00 from Robert Beadles and shame them to hide in a closet or pull out of a race because of a contribution. Hmm, yet New Day Nevada PAC is sending flyers for Andriola. Who’s not being transparent.
Speaking of murky dealings, peruse Sutton's firm Changing Dynamics and you'll spot an interesting trail of candidates that would make the Borgias blush. From Oscar Delgado's campaign to Mariluz Garcia's commission election (before she had to awkwardly disclose that she is in a public/private relationship with Delgado).
Changing Dynamics is retained by Appointed Reno Councilmember Miguel Martinez - you know, the one who slid right into Delgado's old seat after Oscar needed to “focus more time on family” and resigned in September 2022. Delgado has been photographed often with his replacement Miguel Martinez, and Martinez is now being supported by Commissioner Mariluz Garcia. This crew is tighter than a pair of khaki shorts after a summer hot dog binge.
The fun doesn’t stop, Changing Dynamics works with No Longer At Large Reno City Councilmember Devon Reese, and Assemblywoman Angie Taylor, but a new client to Sutton is Alex Velto, who is a business partner of Reese and being introduced by Taylor as the ‘guy’ who will be taking over her assembly seat. Wow, talk about ‘political theatre’ that Reese is always expounding on.
Just look at the gushing river of cash these puppets are funneling to Sutton's firm. Are they truly autonomous actors or is this a farcical ‘political theatre’ where Riley's the ventriloquist and they're all dangling marionettes? Might these candidates all be a bit too close. Think about how Commissioner Mariluz Garcia always backs up Commissioner Alexis Hill. They vote in tandem. Coincidence?
The New Day Nevada PAC has sent mailers supporting “might be a Republican” Appointed Commissioner Clara Andriola. Now we know people will be saying, “How bad is that.” Clara is a moderate Republican with the support of Sparks Mayor Ed Lawson, Sparks City Councilmember Charlene “I’m Walking Door to Door with Clara” Bybee, Sparks Councilmember Paul Anderson, Assemblywoman Alexis Hansen, Lt. Governor Stavros Anthony, and the “cherry on the top of the cake,” Governor Joe Lombardo.
Let’s remember the ‘report card’ Nevada Dems just gave to Governor Joe Lombardo a few days ago, and Sutton/New Day Nevada PAC is supporting Joe’s chosen one Republican Clara Andriola?
Readers will be saying, “Calm down Picon, this isn’t that big of a deal.” Oh, but it is when you hear what we have heard.
The Washoe County Democratic Party was trolling for a candidate for the District 4 race and found a guy who removed his name shortly after filing, why you ask, because, like Picon, the Democrats must have run the numbers in District 4 and found what we did. While a Democrat is all but doomed in the district, a nonpartisan actually has a decent chance of winning. When you think about it, with the Republicans eating their young during this primary season, beating each other up, and vilifying each other; a nonpartisan could be a breath of fresh air.
Picon has delved into if a nonpartisan can win in District 4, and with Andriola splitting the vote with four other Republicans, if she wins, she might not be pulling great primary numbers, to give her a leg up, you know a campaign boost, in the general. Will she merely squeak by with the endorsement of Lombardo and the shenanigans by New Day Nevada PAC?
When the primary is over the District 4 race will be a level playing field with the campaign basically being at a restart with the Republican (whomever that might be) winner facing two nonpartisans, Gabriel Christenson and Marsy Kupfersmith.
Another question, at the rate Andriola is spending campaign funds, if she prevails in the primary, who will be bankrolling her in the general election. If there is a low voter turnout, as is rumored, and if Andriola doesn’t pull a clear victory with a significant number of votes, will contributors be willing to reach into their pockets and pull out another $5,000 to keep her campaign alive.
This race gets interesting, because we understand Riley Sutton, you know the guy with the New Day Nevada PAC supporting Republican Commissioner Clara Andriola, has been sweet-talking the nonpartisan candidates. Does this mean poor Clara will be backstabbed in the general? The skullduggery of it all. Is nothing sacred in the halls of Washoe County power.
Sutton has met with the nonpartisan candidates and might be representing one of them in the general election. This melodrama's only going to get juicier as campaign finance filings start hitting those dusty desks on October 15, 2024.
Is Sutton setting Governor Joe Lombardo and Appointed Commissioner Clara Andriola up? If so, it is a brilliant move.
Or has Sutton set up the two nonpartisan candidates? If so, it is a brilliant move.
Does Andriola know Sutton has met with the nonpartisans she will be facing in the general election if she gets through the primary?
In District 4 since Andriola has been aligning herself with Donald Trump and Joe Lombardo the nonpartisan candidates will get the Democratic vote, along with nonpartisan votes, and add to that the disenfranchised Republicans that will not vote for Andriola in the primary because of her lack of partisan votes on the dais at the Washoe County Commission. Those District 4 Republicans not voting for Andriola in the primary might very well vote for a nonpartisan in the general if Andriola is the candidate.
Any Republican but Clara would more than likely fare better in the general election against nonpartisans, but we don’t think the “powers that be” are looking that far ahead.
If Andriola wins the primary, we need to wait for the fall, and learn if Clara Andriola and her supporters have been played by Sutton and the New Day Nevada PAC.
What fun, Picon can’t wait, could this be a triple cross.