Is a PAC Picking the Washoe County District 4 Candidate?

The political primary season has reached a level of desperation rarely seen, and the delightful spectacle is one to behold. The air is filled with the scent of desperation emanating from the candidate’s seeking reelection, creating an atmosphere of questionable and yet brilliant maneuvers.

An intriguing case in point is the New Day Nevada PAC's support for Appointed Commissioner Clara Andriola and her political endorsers, including Sheriff Darin Balaam, Lt. Governor Stavros Anthony, and Governor Joe Lombardo. The question arises whether this same PAC will extend its support to Gabriel Christenson in the general election, leading to speculation about the ulterior motives behind their political maneuvering.

Is the PAC in all honesty attempting to pick the Republican candidate they want to run a hand-picked a nonpartisan candidate against in the general election. A bit questionable, but a bit brilliant.

Andriola's appointment raises doubts about her political acumen, considering her lack of experience stemming from her previous roles in the private sector and non-profit organizations. Her political knowledge seemingly revolves around superficial interactions with elected officials, as evidenced by her penchant for name-dropping during Washoe County Commission Meetings, and photo opts, Clara’s never missed one.

If Andriola wins the primary, think about all those delicious Republican votes New Day Nevada knows will not support Andriola in Ward 4 – in the general election. Will they vote for a nonpartisan? You know, to keep, who they feel has abandoned them, Andriola, off the county dais?

The forthcoming general election raises fundamental questions about Andriola's ability to secure the necessary financial commitments and support, particularly in light of the campaign her team has run raising contributions to "Stop the Boogyman Beadles.” That money drys up after the primary and the potential challenges posed by facing a nonpartisan candidate question how Andriola will keep getting big campaign contributions. The intricate web of political maneuvers invites speculation about the underlying motivations and strategies employed by the stakeholders involved.

Picon ponders why New Day Nevada PAC produced four or five campaign attack mailers against Andriola’s opponents. Andriola’s team is pushing a poll where she has 40% of the vote with Lawson at 16%. Then why is the PAC all but attempting to destroy Sparks fired Fire Chief Mark Lawson. They went after him for taking $380K from the City of Sparks which was splashed by media all over Washoe County months ago. Next, Lawson is a carpetbagger from California. Why all the hype, and the cost, if Andriola has 40% of the vote? Or does she?

The anticipation for the primary election's conclusion is palpable, as it marks the commencement of a more intense and competitive general election campaign. Andriola's political isolation, from the Washoe County Republican Party, and commissioners who should be allies, and are NOT, Commissioner Jeanne Herman and Mike Clark, underscores the uphill battle she faces in securing the necessary backing and support for her candidacy in the General Election. When Andriola was hacking up a lung, and spewing mucus all over the dais, while apologizing for being sick, at the last commission meeting, Commissioner Mike Clark asked why she just didn’t Zoom in. Clark, then amused himself and commented, “Well Commissioner Hill couldn’t risk an internet failure and lose that third vote from Andriola that she so desperately needs.”

During the general election will Clara become the debutant with no names on her dance card.

The looming general election promises a riveting showdown, fueled by alliances, rivalries, and unforeseen developments that are poised to reshape the established political order. The ’million-dollar-question’ for Andriola and New Day Nevada PAC with all these many plot twists and odd political friendships, is have they all overlooked something, or more to the point, someone.

Amidst the myriad plot twists and peculiar political alliances, one must remember there is another nonpartisan candidate, Marsela Kupfersmith. Thus, giving an added element of uncertainty that has the potential to reshape the dynamics of the District 4 race.


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