Clara Finds Her Voice, Quietly

During the March 26, 2024, Washoe County Board of Commissioners meeting there was an odd exchange between Commission Chair Alexis Hill and Appointed Commissioner Clara Andriola which we continue to be perplexed by. The exchange was all but whispered by Commissioner Andriola as if she would be in ‘trouble’ if she said too much.

Agenda Item 9 was the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Advisory Planning Commission Appointment there were few people in the running, one was Ms. Judith Simon who held the commission appointment and was able to be reappointed, or as we like to say, “anointed by Chair Hill.”

County employee, Alexandra Wilson, indicated to the commissioners that she had ballots ready for the commissioners to complete after public comment ended, but Chair Hill waived them off as if they, the ballots, would not be needed.

Ms. Judith Simon and Mr. James McNamara both made statements to the commissioners as to why they should serve. Mr. McNamara questioned that he might not be getting appointed due to his age. He has applied to serve on several boards and commissions in the past. He seems pretty spry to us.

After the Agenda Item was read Chair Hill launched into her statement, “As your representative for many boards at Lake Tahoe, I’d like to recommend Ms. Judith Simon stay in this position. These are very complex zoning issues, um, land use issues and I think it takes some time to learn all of it and also, I think she has done a wonderful job that the citizens are represented.  Mr. McNamara, I’m so sorry it is not ageist at all, please continue to apply. It takes a while for folks to get on these boards … I wish we had more citizen volunteer opportunities, please continue to stay engaged. That is my recommendation to the board and will make a motion. I’m looking for a second.”

The second was made by ever-ready, Commissioner Hill’s wing woman, Commissioner Mariluz Garcia, always quick on the draw to back Hill up.

Then came the almost inaudible question from Commissioner Clara Andriola, she said it so silently that Picon had to listen to this portion of the meeting another five times. Andriola questioned Hill, “You’re just making the appointment, but we don’t get to choose?  I’m just asking for clarification.”

Hill replied, “No that is fine if you want to do the ballot. Ms. Wilson has a ballot for us. We can definitely do a ballot. If you want to do that.”  Hill went onto say, “As the person who made the motion, I will take it off the table until we do the ballot.” Which made us think this was a bit of a done deal with Hill “taking it off the table until the ballot is done.” We could predict the vote; Hill, Garcia, Andriola for Simon and Clark, Herman for McNamara.

While the ballot was being handed out to the four commissioners, Garcia called into the meeting, so we figured with it being spring break she might have kids at home, remembering this was a “Special Meeting” of the BCC due to Chair Hill cancelling the meeting that was supposed to be held on March 12, 2024.

Andriola can be heard saying ‘sorry’ to Hill as the ballots were being handed out. After the ballots were collected, the County Clerk, Jan Galassini asked Garcia for her vote, and no surprise she backed her buddy Chair Hill’s preference of reappointment of Judith Simon, and Hill voted for Simon, but wait for it, here comes the shocker, Andriola voted for Jim McNamara, as did Mike Clark and Jeanne Herman.

Say what? Andriola didn’t vote for who Hill nominated? What has Clara found a voice?  Will Andriola be willing to stand up more to Chair Hill’s reign of power over the Washoe County Commission, only time will tell.

Congratulations Mr. McNamara.  


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