WOW Factor at Washoe County Jail

Picon has questions why Washoe County Nevada Government Human Services Agency senior lunches are not more robust, and perhaps more flavorful.

County Manger Eric Brown explained it away because seniors can’t have salt, sugar and need certain flavor profiles for health. Guess that doesn’t extend to the “innocent until proven guilty” residents at the Washoe County Jail.  

Washoe County keeps serving the same food every month to our Washoe County Senior population but at the Washoe County Jail you have a chef who oversees the kitchen and makes sure he avoids monotony and repetition of the food served. WOW, what an idea.

The jail makes their own cakes, breads, and cookies. Inmates get two pieces of fresh fruit daily, seniors don’t.

The inmates get access to religious meals, medical diets – for dental issues, cardiac diets and allergies, seniors don’t.

The chef spoke about buying sirloin steak, pork belly, and creating delicious meals for those at the jail. A delicious meal would be something new for our Washoe County Seniors. Also, a meal would be a novel idea, since the amount the seniors are served; sometimes a quarter cup, a third cup or if they are lucky a half cup of lentils, Brussels sprouts, or Mac n’ No Cheese. How about serving seniors a meal like they do at the jail. 

Take a look at the presentation from the Washoe County Jail, and then let us know why the only two commissioners who asked if we could do more for our seniors was Commissioner Jeanne Herman and Commissioner Mike Clark.

Face facts folks, Commissioner Alexis Hill and Appointed Commissioner Clara Andriola don’t care about seniors in our community, they only want the seniors vote to get back on the commission.

Seniors, we urge you do to your homework, look at this presentation and ask what Washoe County is doing for you. Call Commissioners Alexis Hill – 775-771-5512 and/or Clara Andriola (no phone number is listed for Andriola at the Secretary of State, but she has an email address – and ask them when was the last time they had a Washoe County Government Human Services Agency meal?

Seniors, it sounds like you should storm the jail for a good meal. WOW what an idea.


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