The Nevada Independent has announced they will be selling advertising on their website. Such a great idea. We thought why not? Contact PIcon at if you’re interested in drinking deep.
Picon Press Media LLC
Many folks don't trust the media. That's not news. At Picon Press Media LLC, we hope to regain that trust through nonpartisan coverage that is grounded in public records and guided by transparency, not innuendo or online grandstanding. We'll follow the facts - for you.
WHO TIPPED OFF THE RGJ? The Remote Worker Scandal Washoe County Can't Hide
Someone at the county is singing like a canary. What prompted the RGJ to suddenly request badge data for IT Director Behzad Zamanian? Our sources inside the 9th Street building tell all.
It seems Zamanian's IT staff have had ENOUGH of their boss's ghost routine. Five years in, and he's still playing the "remote work" card with zero effort to actually move to Nevada. But wait—there's more.
Washoe County's Hot Potato Position Presents …
At the Washoe County Board of County Commission Meeting on Tuesday, February 25, 2025 after the presentation from the newly appointed Registrar of Voter Andrew McDonald there were questions.
One asked by Commissioner Mike Clark wondered if he could be sent The Elections Group list of categories which was highlighted by McDonald on Page 11 of his presentation. Clark noted that some recommendations (96) have been completed, others are in progress, not started, or no action at this time. Clark asked if a list of the categories could be sent to him.
What's Brown Hiding? ROV Selection Committee Signed NDAs ?
When did selecting a Registrar of Voters become a classified operation?
County Manager Eric Brown has turned what should be a transparent process into a closed-door affair, complete with non-disclosure agreements. Let that sink in: A committee filled with county employees selecting someone to oversee our elections are being sworn to secrecy.
Alexis Hill’s Fabricating Facts
"Oh, the drama at yesterday's County Commission meeting. Commissioner Hill, who likened Mike Clark's election to letting an 'arsonist in the building,' seems to have forgotten a crucial detail: those pesky voters put him there, just like her.
When Clark excused himself after consulting with Assistant District Attorney Nathan Edwards regarding the vote canvass (and stopped for a friendly chat with constituents on his way out), Hill couldn't resist adding her own theatrical spin to the minutes. She insisted on recording that Clark had 'inappropriately tried to recuse himself and then stormed off' - a curious characterization for someone who left after proper consultation and cordial goodbyes.
Cisco Aguilar and Washoe County Allowed “VOTE here for DEMOCRATS” Signs to Stay Up for Weeks
Picon literally laughed out loud last week when Nevada Secretary of State Cisco Aguilar came out with his “Electioneering” Memo – how about way too little way too late. We have simply been to busy this week until today to get to this story.
For weeks there were signs outside polling location that were printed with “Vote for Democrats” and no one was turning them in, people were posting photos of the sigs on social media asking where they were coming from but no one was getting them taken down because they seemed not to know who to complain to. Next time folks go to the Washoe County Registrar of Voters.
County Business Goes “On Hold” Due to Alexis Hill’s Reelection Campaign
For Commissioner Alexis Hill it is all about getting reelected and she really doesn’t care what she has to say, or do. Hill will spin the facts, she’ll cut people out, because her only mission is to get reelected.
Last year, Hill and Washoe County spun the fact that they had cut homelessness by 50%. Oops that was wrong, but that admission came out from Washoe County only after Commissioner Hill had been interviewed by the Wall Street Journal and gotten a whole lot of national attention. Later the county propaganda team spun the mistake as being due to bad data from the Point in Time count. The same Point in Time count County Manager Eric Brown now directs only need to be done every two years. Wait, bad data means only doing the count every two years? Come on Chair Hill do something.
“South Valleys Regional Park Not the Site for Professional Soccer Facility”
Washoe District 2 Commissioner Mike Clark went on a dais rant at the Tuesday, August 20, 2024, Board of County Commissioner meeting inquiring, “Do I have to lawyer up here?”
Gotta Love Jenny Brekhus
Okay, Picon will admit to sometimes being frustrated by Jenny Brekhus over these many years when she has taken us down the path of doing what is right for the City of Reno residents.
Is it frustrating listing to Councilmember Brekhus trying to hold us all to a higher standard, yes.
Is it exhausting, and sometimes you want to side with her foes, one wants to shout, “Jenny, can you just let it go.”
Brekhus has been a champion of the residents of Reno since the day she was elected. No one can dispute that.
Don’t Damonte South Meadows
Where’s the appeal?
You know the one Wendy Damonte promised us on July 24, 2024, after the Washoe Open Space and Regional Parks Commission voted against the soccer stadium at South Valley’s Regional Park. Spunky, former television anchor, Wendy Damonte, bounded out of the Washoe Parks meeting and commented to the two television stations bivouacked in the county complex lobby, that “they expected this” and certainly illuded to the fact they would be moving forward with the next steps. The only “step” left for Damonte and Bob Enzenberger on behalf of For Our Fans Foundation is to appeal the Washoe Open Space and Regional Parks Commissioner’s decision to the Washoe County Commissioners.
You Must Vote, As We Say
Wow! Commissioner Clara Andriola became a Republican for less than 24-hours on July 9, 2024. Andriola has asked for Agenda Item #22 to be placed back on the July 16, 2024, Washoe County Board of Commission Agenda, guess she’s had a change of heart, and now wants to certify the two recounts as the Democratic Attorney General and Secretary of State want her to. Andriola voted on July 9, 2024 not to certify. Guess a girl can change her mind when being threatened with criminal actions and dire consequences.
Parting the Red Sea at Washoe County
Picon Googled the Parting of the Red Sea and was served up information from Wikipedia.
Our question did Andriola part the Red Sea and let her Republican base cross and then close the sea and leave Commissioner Alexis Hill struggling to find a pair of water wings.
Do All Washoe County Grant Recipients Pass the Sniff Test?
Despite failing to tie the organization of the Reno Toy Run to any racist ideals, the County and the two liberal commissioners are hell-bent on pulling donations for children…
Does a TRO Trump a Domestic Violence Complaint at Washoe County
On Tuesday, May 28, 2024, there was a Washoe County Commission meeting all the commissioners and concerned residents were stuffed into the Nevada Public Health Chambers like sardines in oil, the meeting room the Health Board doesn’t even use.
Why Did We Burn Our Bras?
At the Washoe County Commission meeting, Mariluz Garcia stated yesterday she had received a curveball regarding Agenda Item 10, the approval of agreements with RISE, Volunteers of America, and Karma Box Project at the Nevada Cares Campus.
We sort of think Garcia threw a curveball right back at the residents of Washoe County, when she supported the three agreements being approved after allegations regarding Karma Box Project.
Copycat Clara & Clark Wants the Truth
Picon was watching the Tuesday, May 14, 2024, Washoe County Commission Meeting, and two items struck us…
WOW Factor at Washoe County Jail
Picon has questions why Washoe County Nevada Government Human Services Agency senior lunches are not more robust, and perhaps more flavorful. County Manger Eric Brown explained it away because seniors can’t have salt, sugar and need certain flavor profiles for health. Guess that doesn’t extend to the “innocent until proven guilty” residents at the Washoe County Jail.
Mariluz Was Missed
Voters, you really need to pay attention to what is going on at Washoe County Government. Agenda Item 10.E.1 which was approving the “Early Voting and Election Day locations.” It was mentioned by a public commenter that Appointed Commissioner Clara Andriola has a campaign office at Red Hawk which will also be one of the polling locations. Conflict? Could be.
The Wrong Side of Humanity ???
At yesterday’s Sparks City Council Meeting, Commissioner Mike Clark not only took the time to call out Mayor Ed Lawson, but also took a minute to challenge voters in the City of Sparks rid themselves of the three incumbents Kristopher Dahir, Donald Abbott, and Paul Anderson.
When you are NOT in the good old boys’ club
The Good Old Boys are alive and well in local politics, while Mike Clark continues to be the outsider. Apparently seeking oversight of your tax dollars will brand you as an extremist…
Mike Clark Soothsayer?
Yes, Mike Clark can predict the future, he just proved it when Picon took a look at Appointed Commissioner Clara Andriola’s latest Nevada Secretary of State Contribution and Expense Report, filed on April 15, 2024, it shows an ‘In Kind’ donation from Lamar Companies of $6,843.75 for a digital billboard. Plus, Andriola spent an additional $14,895.50 to buy more billboard advertising from Lamar. What is Andriola running for Governor?