The Wrong Side of Humanity ???

At yesterday’s Sparks City Council Meeting, Citizen Mike Clark not only took the time to call out Mayor Ed Lawson, but also took a minute to challenge voters in the City of Sparks rid themselves of the three incumbents Kristopher Dahir, Donald Abbott, and Paul Anderson. Clark wants to break up the “Good Old Boys” who support Lawson.  When we contacted Clark last night he stated, “Commenting on the Sparks Pep Boys – Donald, Kristopher, and Paul – was icing on the cake. I was there to speak to Mayor Ed Lawson who seems to be “that guy” who rants and raves on social media but doesn’t have the guts to say it to my face.”

Picon found it an odd occurrence that yesterday, as Clark called Lawson out, the United States Supreme Court weighs in on an Oregon city’s power to punish the homeless. This is a case Clark has referred to often and discussed from the dais when he voted against a somewhat similar ordinance on March 27, 2024, passed by Washoe County’s Commissioners Hill, Garcia, and Andriola. That vote is the reason for the dust-up between Lawson and Clark.

The Supreme Court, which has a 6-3 conservative majority, will review an appeals court ruling that said several ordinances enacted by the small city of Grants Pass, Oregon, are prohibited under the Constitution’s Eighth Amendment, which bars cruel and unusual punishment. 

The Grants Pass ordinances bar sleeping or camping on publicly owned property, including sidewalks, streets, bridges, and city parks. Punishment, which is the key issue in the case, can include fines of up to several hundred dollars and exclusion orders barring people from public property. Grants Pass Oregon does not have a homeless shelter, unlike Washoe County, however many people Picon has spoken to have voiced concerns about the entering the Cares Campus due to drugs, crime, and retaliatory acts. They would prefer to sleep in their cars, and most of these people are employed.

After the vote on March 27, 2024, where Commission Chair Alexis Hill supported the ordinance, it is now illegal to camp, sleep in a car, park an R.V., or make a campfire on some (AKA most) public land in Washoe County. Violations can result in a misdemeanor criminal charge. Hill’s comments reported by the Nevada Current, “County Commission Chair Alexis Hill said when the ordinance was initially proposed in 2022, she “had some serious concerns” and voted against going forward. While she had “difficulty with what the ordinance is” and said she wanted to revisit the ordinance’s implementation in a year, she voted, and shocked a great many of her supporters, to pass the ordinance.”

This is the vote Lawson has called Clark out for. Clark voted ‘no’ and would not support Sheriff Darin Balaam’s ordinance. The Sheriff’s Department brought this forward in 2022 and then worked with the Washoe County District Attorney’s Office for over a year to get different wording. When we compared the two, the ordinance was basically the same.

Lawson called Clark out saying he was an “extremist Republican.”

Ed, Clark voted against the ordinance so it’s a heck of a reach to claim based on the vote that he is an extremist.

But wait, Lawson gave us the answer, “We have 2 extremist Republicans who are just set on voting against one particular Republican at the expense of Republican values they were raised with.”

So let Picon get this straight, Lawson was angry at Clark because he voted against Appointed Commissioner Clara Andriola’s “yes” vote. Wow, Ed that’s a stretch since Clark has been opposed to this ordinance going back to the Washoe County Commission meeting on December 12, 2022. Clark was still, ‘officially’ the Washoe County Assessor, and took to the podium giving public comment against the ordinance.

Who’s wrong here? They all are. Shame on Commissioner Alexis Hill, Commissioner Mariluz Garcia, and Appointed Commissioner Clara Andriola as they voted for this ordinance but neglected to find a way to help the people who are now being impacted. Their answer is always, “They can go to the Cares Campus.” 

Washoe County Government has a huge parking lot that could be use, bring in mobile toilets and showers and get the people off the streets, river, parks, etc. and out of harm’s way. Let them spend nights in their cars in the county parking lot. A solution, not a punishment.

Mike Clark was the commissioner who suggested using the county’s parking lot at the commission meeting.

But wait, Commissioner Alexis Hill wants to revisit this in a year. And do what? Hill seems assured she will be re-elected. What does she know that we don’t?

Mayor Ed Lawson needs to go back in time, and remember what it is like to be part of the working class, and stop hanging out with his buddy lobbyists, and think what if it was him and he couldn’t pay the rent or bills. To get behind through no fault of your own other than rents and prices going up, up, up.

Perhaps the key is kindness and how about a little compassion. These folks who are elected are all making far more money than the people sleeping in their cars. Our taxpayer dollars are paying Ed, Alexis, Clara, Darin, etc. They might want to remember the days when they once might have been short on dollars.

Picon called Commissioner Clark and reminded him in 2026 he will be an incumbent and questioned how he will be attacked, political-types will be using his own words against him, you know, “Anyone but an incumbent in 2024.”

Clark said, “This is now and that will be then. I’ll be happy to stand by my voting record. There are already two Democrats preparing to run against me in District 2. The Democratic party is miles ahead of us Republicans, and they have the candidates  getting their feet wet, some name recognition, and campaign teeth cutting right now running for School Board Trustee and City of Reno Ward 6. I welcome the competition. I’ve also heard former Commissioner Bob Lucey might be running against me. Now that would be fun.”

In conclusion, the need for empathy, proactive solutions, and a genuine understanding of the difficulties faced by the community must be underscored in the decision-making process of elected officials. The upcoming elections should be viewed as an opportunity for the residents to voice their concerns and elect candidates who genuinely prioritize the welfare of the citizens.

Or, one should ask, is Mike Clark correct and is Ed Lawson just on the “wrong side of humanity.”


Mariluz Was Missed


When you are NOT in the good old boys’ club