Don’t Damonte South Meadows

Where’s the appeal?

You know the one Wendy Damonte promised us on July 24, 2024, after the Washoe Open Space and Regional Parks Commission voted against the soccer stadium at South Valley’s Regional Park. Spunky, former television anchor, Wendy Damonte, bounded out of the Washoe Parks meeting and commented to the two television stations bivouacked in the county complex lobby, that “they expected this” and certainly alluded to the fact they would be moving forward with the next steps. The only “step” left for Damonte and Bob Enzenberger on behalf of For Our Fans Foundation is to appeal the Washoe Open Space and Regional Parks Commissioner’s decision to the Washoe County Commissioners.

There have been two vocal commissioners, Mike Clark who represents District 2 where Damonte wants to build the soccer stadium. Clark spoke at the July 24th meeting, and Jeanne Herman who supports what “the folks who live there want, and not what a developer tells them they want.”

So, hey, FOFF, Wendy Damonte and Bob Enzenberger where is the appeal?

We requested public records for any emails between Washoe County employee Eric Crump and Wendy Damonte, or For Our Fans Foundation, or Bob Enzenberger from January 1, 2024, to July 28, 2024, and have been informed by County Manager Eric Brown’s ‘team’ that we might get these records by January 29, 2025. Over six months? We assume the county is finally going to force us to litigate to get access to records. We’re thinking about it.

County Manager Brown’s propaganda team is stalling public records by insisting in certain circumstances each of the pages to be released need to be reviewed by a Washoe County District Attorney. The DA needs to make sure the Washoe County employee said nothing illegal or questionable that might get the county in hot water? Can someone explain this to us please.

Picon remembers the days when the department heads handled their own public record requests. Was there a lawsuit we missed where the county was forced to use taxpayer funds to settle over public records that were released and caused a legal action?

Commissioner Mike Clark sent us this communication between Commission Chair Alexis Hill and a resident who lives in the area where the soccer stadium is proposed to be build. We find it interesting that residents question what is going on with the county commissioners’ lack of comments, well, Hill, Garcia, and Andriola’s lack of comments. Interested residents watched the news and heard Wendy Damonte, so where is the appeal? Is Damonte waiting until the election is over, so Hill, Andriola, and Garcia can finally make comments, you know, in support of the stadium being built?

Hill is the only commissioner left with an opponent, Marsha Berkbigler. We bet the community forum Hill and Berkbigler are speaking at on August 15, 2024, will be packed with residents with questions about this proposed soccer stadium, and Hill’s comment avoidance policy. Will Hill go on the record and answer residents if she is in support or opposition.

If you want to create a stir; Commissioner Clara Andriola, whose last opponent got stopped by the Nevada Secretary of State, Marsy Kupfersmith, has won District 4 by default. If Andriola won’t go on the record, we suggest you write, email, or call the guy who appointed her.

Ask Governor Joe Lombardo if his “appointee” Andriola could answer residents’ questions about this proposed soccer stadium. Remind the governor that while Andriola doesn’t have a race in 2026 he does.


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