The Nevada Independent has announced they will be selling advertising on their website. Such a great idea. We thought why not? Contact PIcon at if you’re interested in drinking deep.

Picon Press Media LLC

Many folks don't trust the media. That's not news. At Picon Press Media LLC, we hope to regain that trust through nonpartisan coverage that is grounded in public records and guided by transparency, not innuendo or online grandstanding. We'll follow the facts - for you.

Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

AAUGH!!! -WC1 Failed

You’re kidding, right? Voters didn’t understand the ballot measure, oh come on. Now you’re insulting voters intelligence.

Voters understood exactly what they were voting for, and vote they did to defeat the WC1.

The library smackdown continues as Director Jeff Scott's doomsday predictions - shuttered buildings, mass staff exodus, and a limited-day workweek - fall flat after WC1's surprise defeat. His confident choir of supporters, who practically had the victory party planned, are now oddly quiet. One burning question remains: In all that time spent working on passing WC1, was there no worst-case scenarios, did anyone bother drafting a Plan B?

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RSCVA Needs a BDR Sponsor – Legislatively Speaking

Per NRS 244A, which governs County Fair and Recreation Boards in the State of Nevada, the RSCVA Board elects new officers each July, during even-numbered years. Back in July 2024 the RSCVA voted in their new chair, vice-chair, and secretary/treasurer and they will not revisit new officers until July 2026. If you watch the July 25, 2024, meeting you will see then RSCVA Chair Charlene Bybee floundering with no support, with Alexis Hill moving Hillary Schieve into the role of chair, clearly well-rehearsed by Hill and Schieve. Bybee desperately wanted to hang onto the chair, but the board members wouldn’t even throw Bybee a lifeline just so the organization didn’t look quite so much at odds, and they let her go down with the ship. Picon is referring to one of Bybee’s more cringe-worthy statements made to the Reno Gazette-Journal steering the ship at the RSCVA, “Bringing the right person is more important than ever. I’m on a mission. I’ve got to move this Titanic and get it away from the iceberg.”

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Hey, Washoe County School Board We’re Uncomfortable

We were going to pen an article about the need for Alex Woodley to step aside (AKA resign) from his Washoe County Library Trustee District E, but This Is Reno did such a great job we thought we’d just share their newsletter for subscribers. (You should become a subscriber so you too could have the This Is Reno newsletter delivered to your inbox).

Picon only added a few thoughts because we are far snarkier than This Is Reno. Kids are glued to their cell phones, and it is an unfair task for teachers to separate them during classes. We’re surprised more parents aren’t in an uproar over Mr. Woodley’s sexting – have we all become so immune or has TikTok taken over our brains. A Reno city employee using a city cell phone to sex-message during a school board meeting? Really, that just has such a bad image.

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Washoe County Evacuation Study vs. Seven Magic Mountains

Commissioner Mike Clark sent us this exchange with Washoe County staff after he made a comment on the dais at October 22, 2024 during the Washoe County Commission meeting.

A Washoe County resident, Doug Flaherty, had made a comment at the meeting, “regarding the study that he had done which indicated evacuations from the Tahoe area would be more problematic than the county anticipates.”

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Hey Readers, We Need Your Insight

Thanks to our community's enthusiastic response, Picon's inbox has been overflowing with inquiries about local nonprofits since spring. While election season kept us running at full speed, the closing of the polls finally gives us the breathing room to dive into all the valuable information you've shared. We're now ready to give your submissions the attention they deserve.

Some elected officials have dubbed us 'lazy journalists' as we’ve been covering their activities since we’ve been willing to include other media’s coverage. Well, let's embrace that reputation - we're actively seeking nonprofit whistleblowers to help us be even more 'lazy' by sharing your inside knowledge. Based on the flood of tips we've already received; we know you're out there. Consider this your invitation to help us dig deeper into stories that need telling. After all, the best investigative journalism is a team sport."

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How About a Comment Commissioner Alexis Hill, Re: Eric Brown & Cari-Ann Burgess

AKA: Washoe County Standard Operating Shenanigans

In the midst of what should have been a period of calm and efficiency, Washoe County finds itself embroiled in a whirlwind of controversy and intrigue. The recent episodes involving key personnel such as Interim Registrar of Voters Cari-Ann Burgess and County Manager Eric Brown have sent shockwaves through the community, raising questions about transparency, accountability, and the true dynamics at play within the county's administrative circles.

Looks like a few employees at the county have gotten too comfortable in their ivory tower, forgetting their taxpayer-funded throne isn't actually bulletproof. Nothing is quite like watching a public servant who's confused 'serving the public' with 'sovereign rule over the peasants.'

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esterday we inquired why panic buttons are being deployed by the Washoe County Registrar of Voters Office, Deputy ROV Andrew McDonald, for the general election.

While we were watching the October 22, 2024 meeting and listening to McDonald’s updates we thought let’s send his presentation to a network security professional whose job it is to find holes in systems. Remember our publisher is retired from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL).

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Washoe County Residents Need a Panic Button

At the most recent Washoe County Board of County Commissioner meeting held on October 22, 2024, Deputy Registrar of Voters Andrew McDonald shed light on significant updates in election equipment. The introduction of new equipment, the poll pads and ballot extractors, marked a pivotal shift in the county's electoral infrastructure. Engaging a modern browser-based system after two decades signified a crucial step towards enhancing the efficiency of the voting process. These systems all seem to have gone online in August 2024.

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Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

Dahir We Say We’re Amused

2024 has been a really weird year for politics. The races have gotten personal and petty, but hey when opponents need to go up against incumbents with buckets full of campaign contributions from developers, special interest groups, lobbyists, etc., who for their own reasons want certain individuals reelected well we guess gloves are off.

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Commissioner Hill’s Tahoe Dreams Meet Budget Reality

Alexis Hill and her campaign team are running a Facebook ad accusing Masha Berkbigler of sending an “attack” piece against her. Hill has commented it is absolutely true, “I want our community to have public transit access to and around Lake Tahoe.” That’s great, but not what the graphic says.

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Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

Say What, Kristopher Dahir?

Picon can’t believe some of these election flyers and the candidates stretching of the truth. Candidates are spending a fortune on campaign flyers, and we’ve been told by most voters, they take the pile of flyers out of their mailbox and plunk them in the trash.

Sparks Councilmember Kristopher Dahir is no exception. How about this flyer focusing on “safety” which has been a big flyer focus in 2024. However, while Dahir is focused on the “Status of Public Safety in Sparks” and mentions four new fire trucks that have been “ordered” – a new fire station being built, and how the city is hiring five new firefighters. Great news for Sparks, but then why is the Sparks Fire Department, Sparks Firefighters IAFF Local 1265 – basically where is any firefighter endorsement for Dahir? Seem to be missing.

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Alexis Hill’s $250,000 Campaign

Piron has been digging into the Commissioner Alexis Hill vs Marsha Berkbigler Community Forum sponsored by Senior Spectrum Magazine a few weeks ago.

Berkbigler has an uphill battle due to the contributions Hill has been able to raise. How did Hill get all that loot? That’s the million dollar question.

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Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

Disparity in Outcomes - AKA It’s All About Who

Scott Kelly went through a nasty divorce. This Is Reno went into great detail regarding his divorce, fake Facebook account, a GPS tracker on his Kelly’s ex-wife’s car, and an extramarital relationship with a stripper, along with other allegations, all not a good look for a Washoe County School District Trustee and back in 2020 when this scandal hit, Kelly was running for reelection to his school board trustee seat.

Fast forward to 2024 and the City of Reno Code Enforcement Director Alex Woodley, allegedly resigned from his job. Woodley says he decided it was time to retire, but we have it on good authority his retirement happened on the same day as he was confronted with the fact the City of Reno had randomly discovered his sexting on his city phone. Just look at the letter of resignation provided to the Reno Gazette Journal.

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Cisco Aguilar and Washoe County Allowed “VOTE here for DEMOCRATS” Signs to Stay Up for Weeks

Picon literally laughed out loud last week when Nevada Secretary of State Cisco Aguilar came out with his “Electioneering” Memo – how about way too little way too late. We have simply been to busy this week until today to get to this story.

For weeks there were signs outside polling location that were printed with “Vote for Democrats” and no one was turning them in, people were posting photos of the sigs on social media asking where they were coming from but no one was getting them taken down because they seemed not to know who to complain to. Next time folks go to the Washoe County Registrar of Voters.  

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County Business Goes “On Hold” Due to Alexis Hill’s Reelection Campaign

For Commissioner Alexis Hill it is all about getting reelected and she really doesn’t care what she has to say, or do. Hill will spin the facts, she’ll cut people out, because her only mission is to get reelected.

Last year, Hill and Washoe County spun the fact that they had cut homelessness by 50%. Oops that was wrong, but that admission came out from Washoe County only after Commissioner Hill had been interviewed by the Wall Street Journal and gotten a whole lot of national attention. Later the county propaganda team spun the mistake as being due to bad data from the Point in Time count. The same Point in Time count County Manager Eric Brown now directs only need to be done every two years. Wait, bad data means only doing the count every two years? Come on Chair Hill do something.

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Love Target

Okay, we can hear everyone out there gnashing their teeth with Picon writing that we really enjoyed the former Director of Code Enforcement at the City of Reno, Alex Woodley. He seemed to be fair and friendly and was willing to talk to the press.

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Following the Money: Dahir's Campaign Coffers Tell a Story

Recent campaign finance reports paint an interesting picture of Councilmember Dahir's September 12th fundraiser. According to the October 15th Nevada Secretary of State filings, local developers and special interests apparently found their checkbooks more easily than actual Sparks residents.

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Does Frank Perez REALLY Want to Win Ward 1?  

Our Town Reno asked a question last week and that was can Frank Perez win the City of Reno Ward 1 City Council race. Picon thinks there is a more important question to be asked, and that is “does Frank Perez really want to win” or was he the “buffer” candidate that stopped Lily Baran from getting elected.

Baran would owe her allegiance to no one, and we think some powers that be on the Reno City Council didn’t want that. Just look at Perez’s social media he is besties with many movers and shakers, mostly Commissioner Mariluz Garcia, Councilmember Miguel Martinez and School Board Trustee Alex Woodley.

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Sour Grapes = No Support?

Picon is digging through the Nevada Secretary of State’s Candidate Contribution and Expense reports filed on October 15, 2025.

We ponder as the Democratic Party attempts to keep the Assembly seat why fellow Democrats are not supporting Heather Goulding, could it be sour grapes.

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Tabling- the Act of Delaying a Formal Discussion

Picon is having a hard time understanding what the heck Councilmember Donald Abbott is talking about.

Abbott was called out by a Sparks senior because the City of Sparks didn’t participate at the Senior Spectrum Senior Fest on September 3, 2024.

Picon reached out to the City of Sparks and Senior Spectrum and learned that more often than not the City of Sparks has had a table at the event.

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