Does Frank Perez REALLY Want to Win Ward 1?
Frank Perez with Washoe County Commissioner Mariluz Garcia and School Board Trustee Joe Rodriguez.
Our Town Reno asked a question last week, “can Frank Perez win the City of Reno Ward 1 City Council race.”
Picon thinks there is a more important question to be asked, and that is “does Frank Perez really want to win” or was he the “buffer” candidate that stopped Lily Baran from getting elected.
Baran would owe her allegiance to no one, and we think some powers that be on the Reno City Council didn’t want that. Just look at Perez’s social media he is besties with many movers and shakers, mostly Commissioner Mariluz Garcia, Councilmember Miguel Martinez and School Board Trustee Alex Woodley.
Baran knows a whole lot about homelessness and that seems to make the City of Reno and Washoe County nervous. Attend a Board of County Commission meeting, Reno City Council meeting, or CHAB meeting and you’ll learn right away, no one on the dais enjoys seeing Baran sashay up to the public comment podium. What does Perez know about homelessness, squat.
Sure, Frank’s got a big sign over at Cafe Con Papi on 6th, (who have some of the best coffee in town as a side note), and a few other signs scattered here and there. He’s got the Democratic Campaign Guru running his campaign, so it appears he’s running, but really is he. Or is he just going through the motions.
More Perez signs have come down than gone up after the primary. We know wind and graffiti can account for some of the missing signs, but since Baran ended her recount quest Perez seems to have gone quiet.
The other evening Perez had a well connected Democratic sponsored fundraiser at The Montage probably picking up a few bucks. Nice of a whole bunch of fat cat residents, who complain about noise in downtown Reno, to throw Perez a soiree.
The only way Perez can win is to reach out to Lily Baran and get her support – and Picon has heard there has been no ring-a-ding-ding of Baran’s phone.
Perez also needs to meet with all those Republican’s who we have heard are getting in touch, wanting to have coffee with him, donate to him, but Perez doesn’t call them back.
Kathleen Taylor’s campaign sign up at Washoe County Republican Headquarters.
Why are Republican’s reaching out to Perez? Because they’ve figured out Kathleen Taylor who purports to be a Republican is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Nice try Kathleen, but no cigar. Taylor has not been at one Republican function other than a Party in the Park where she stayed all of five seconds. But Taylor is hoping a whole bunch of Republican’s will vote for her and that’s why her signs and flyers are at Washoe County Republican Headquarters.
Providing another photo showing Appointed Reno Councilmember Kathleen Taylor’s campaign sign up at Washoe County Republican Headquarters.
Taylor is a Trump supporter – just think about that. This is the very “political theatre” Wannabe Mayor Reno Councilmember Devon Reese comments about at most Reno City Council meetings.
Now there’s Alex Woodley’s departure from the City of Reno, you know, the Director of Code Enforcement, Frank’s boss. How involved was Perez in the “alleged” sexting that Woodley was “allegdly” sending from his City of Reno cellphone. Did Frank know?
We’ve got 18 days to figure it out.
Oh, and Frank if you want to win, “CALL LILY!”