Tabling- the Act of Delaying a Formal Discussion

Definition of tabling. 

Picon is having a hard time understanding what the heck Councilmember Donald Abbott is talking about.

Abbott was questioned by a Sparks senior because the City of Sparks didn’t participate at the Senior Spectrum Senior Fest on September 3, 2024.

Correspondence regarding City of Sparks missing from SeniorFest. 

Picon reached out to the City of Sparks and Senior Spectrum and learned that more often than not the City of Sparks has had a “table” at SeniorFest.

Has Councilmember Abbott become the “Senior Whisperer” who lost his voice?

Abbott is Sparks' self-proclaimed champion of the silver-haired set. Picon has been questioning for months what he actually, tangibly does for seniors. While we applaud Abbott for taking care of his mother – we don’t see a whole lot of actual acts Abbott has made championing seniors in Sparks. He’s great at having lunch at the Sparks Senior Center with his mom, and showing up for events, but that seems to be about it.

Councilmember Donald Abbott's post urging seniors to attend SeniorFest, an event Abbott neglected to have the City of Sparks participate in. 

Abbott encouraged seniors to attend an event he and his own city services couldn't be bothered to show up for. It's like inviting someone to your birthday party and then forgetting to attend yourself. Oops!

When confronted the City of Sparks missed the event, Abbott unleashed an explanation so convoluted it could win gold in the Olympic event for buck-passing. Apparently, the absence was due to a perfect storm of "rotating out" committee members and unreturned phone calls. Who knew buying a booth/table was harder than solving a Rubik's Cube blindfolded?

Hey, City of Sparks Government it might be time for a “rotating out” of Abbott as the Sparks City Council advocate in Sparks, maybe he is burnt out, maybe he got reelected and just doesn’t care, he’s got his four more years and a shot at being Mayor of Sparks, or could it be he’s got a girlfriend, and his life is moving away from seniors and more to speed dating events featuring the couple. Or hey, Donald, how about a senior speed dating event? 

And most importantly, will someone please explain to Abbott what "tabling" actually means?

From Councilman Donald Abbott's Facebook page. 


Now You F#@king Tell Me This?!