The Nevada Independent has announced they will be selling advertising on their website. Such a great idea. We thought why not? Contact PIcon at if you’re interested in drinking deep.

Picon Press Media LLC

Many folks don't trust the media. That's not news. At Picon Press Media LLC, we hope to regain that trust through nonpartisan coverage that is grounded in public records and guided by transparency, not innuendo or online grandstanding. We'll follow the facts - for you.

Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

Washoe County's Sober 24 Program Implodes

Hold onto your seats, Washoe County residents.

What in the name of governmental incompetence just happened? In a jaw-dropping turn of events that would make even the most seasoned political watchers spit out their morning coffee, the Washoe County Sober 24 program has collapsed.

Remember when Commissioner Alexis Hill was singing Justin Roper's praises like he was the second coming of rehabilitation management? "Amazing program!" she gushed. "Congratulations on the impact award!" Those words are now echoing with a haunting irony that could shatter glass.


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Washoe County’s Non-Strategic Plan

Washoe County's January 28th Strategic Planning Meeting wasn't so much a planning session as it was a carefully orchestrated performance. County Manager Eric Brown paraded his loyal appointees before the commissioners in what amounted to an elaborate puppet show—department heads and direct reports dutifully describing a county running like clockwork under Brown's exceptional leadership and planning for the future.

The charade of commissioners directing the county's future course? Pure theater. At Washoe County, the ship sails only in the direction Brown charts, regardless of what elected officials might prefer. These are the same Brown-selected officials who crafted Commissioner Alexis Hill's presentation to the Nevada Legislature's Senate Committee on Government Affairs—the one where she boldly claimed a 40% reduction in homelessness, a figure so dubious it deserves its own category of creative accounting.

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Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

Mayor Lawson's "Toolbox Talk": Long on Gorillas, Short on Facts

Mayor Ed Lawson graced the 83rd Nevada Legislature Assembly Committee on Growth and Infrastructure last week with his presence, delivering a masterclass in vague claims and suspiciously precise statistics regarding Assembly Bill 61 – you know, the one about letting RTC Washoe County or any local government in Washoe County establish a toll road.

After what observers described as a dramatic pause worthy of community theater, Lawson began: "Ed Lawson for the record, E-D L-A-W-S-O-N, Mayor of Sparks," apparently concerned legislators might confuse him with all the other Ed Lawsons roaming Carson City.

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Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

Great Advice …

Picon always reads The Barber Brief and Ms. Barber got it right in the latest brief “Preview: February 26, 2025 Reno City Council meeting” where she noted this Hunden Partners presentation that was talked about at the City of Reno’s Redevelopment Agency Advisory Board (RAAB) being worth a read.

We have put up the 110 page report which is chocked full of information.

Picon urges all to closely watch the RAAB because they have a lot of power and were appointed by Mayor Hillary Schieve with little or no involvement from anyone else in the city.

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Washoe County's Hot Potato Position Presents …

At the Washoe County Board of County Commission Meeting on Tuesday, February 25, 2025 after the presentation from the newly appointed Registrar of Voter Andrew McDonald there were questions.

One asked by Commissioner Mike Clark wondered if he could be sent The Elections Group list of categories which was highlighted by McDonald on Page 11 of his presentation. Clark noted that some recommendations (96) have been completed, others are in progress, not started, or no action at this time. Clark asked if a list of the categories could be sent to him.

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Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

County Manager Eric Brown Cares More About a Pet Board than a Senior Board

In a surprising display of priorities, Washoe County officials sprang into action after offensive "Zoom Bombers" crashed an Animal Advisory Board meeting—but couldn't be bothered when the exact same thing happened to a room full of senior citizens earlier this month.

County Commissioner Mike Clark called out this blatant double standard during yesterday's commissioner comments, noting that when the Senior Advisory Board meeting was disrupted on February 5th, the response was essentially a half-hearted email saying "Oops, our bad!" Meanwhile, the recent animal board incident triggered a full-scale response with County Manager Eric Brown and the IT Director suddenly developing an intense interest in Zoom security protocols.

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Mayor Schieve's Road Takeover Plan: Addressing Crashes or Dodging Responsibility?

At the February 26, 2025 Reno City Council meeting there is a McCarran Blvd. safety presentation and agenda item. In the interest of true transparency can we have a record of how many tickets the City of Reno Police Department have issued at this intersection in the last 36-months? Picon often uses this route and rarely sees a RPD presence, except when there is an accident.

We agree with the residents who mentioned the speed cars are going, especially coming down McCarran towards Plumb Lane and Mayberry Drive. How about a good old speed trap City of Reno?

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Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

Another Lawsuit in Sparks: Kurtz vs the City of Sparks City Council

Lawsuits, Lies, and Local Leadership: The Sparks Saga Continues

Former Sparks City Manager Neil Krutz is finally doing what anyone with a grudge and a lawyer on speed-dial would do – suing his former colleagues. The target list reads Team Krutz: Mayor Ed Lawson, Councilmember Paul Anderson, and former Councilmember Kristopher Dahir. Let's not forget the trio of troublemakers (in Krutz's eyes, anyway) – Councilmembers Bybee, Vanderwell, and Abbott – who had the audacity to suggest maybe, just maybe, his management style needed a review.

Remember Krutz's greatest hit? That memorable YouTube performance where he informed the Sparks Fire Union that he had fired Fire Chief Mark Lawson, a decision that burned through taxpayer dollars faster than a wildfire through dry brush. The irony of Krutz now crying wrongful termination is richer than a casino owner's bank account.

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Mayor Lawson’s Public Records Power Grab, AB 51.

Sparks Mayor Ed Lawson is apparently channeling his social media rantings into actual legislation. AB51, the "We'd Rather You Didn't Look Too Closely" bill, aims to make public records about as accessible as Fort Knox – but with more paperwork.

The irony is rich: The League of Cities, whose mission statement reads like a love letter to transparency and innovation, is backing a bill that treats public records requests like classified CIA operations. What's next – secret handshakes and decoder rings?

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The Toll Road Nobody Asked For …

Yesterday Picon wrote about Mayor Lawson and his two buddies who are getting, yet again, a contract with the City of Sparks to help carry the Truckee Meadows Public Land Management Act being sponsored by U.S. Senator Jacky Rosen.

The City of Sparks' latest moves raise serious questions about governance and the allocation of public resources. At the center is Mayor Ed Lawson's decision to award two $80,000 contracts to familiar consultants - a move that deserves scrutiny not just for its cost, but for its broader implications.

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Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

Here They Come Again

The February 24, 2025 Sparks City Council meeting agenda includes a notable consent item (#8) proposing $160,000 in consulting contracts related to the Truckee Meadows Public Land Management Act. The proposal would award $80,000 each to SB Strategic Consulting Inc. and Barrett Resources for public outreach services.

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Beyond Valentine's Day: Our Seniors Need More Than Cards

Yes, Sparks Councilmember Donald Abbott's Valentine's Day cards for seniors is a sweet gesture. For five years, he's brought smiles to seniors' faces - for one day.

But what about the other 364 days when our seniors:

  • Choose between buying groceries or medicine

  • Face eviction notices because they can't afford skyrocketing rent

  • Eat substandard meals from Washoe County Human Services Agency

  • Battle isolation and depression

  • Return to work because their fixed incomes aren't enough anymore

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Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

What's Brown Hiding? ROV Selection Committee Signed NDAs ?

When did selecting a Registrar of Voters become a classified operation?

County Manager Eric Brown has turned what should be a transparent process into a closed-door affair, complete with non-disclosure agreements. Let that sink in: A committee filled with county employees selecting someone to oversee our elections are being sworn to secrecy.

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Disparage Me!

Welcome to the latest episode of "Who Really Cares About Seniors?" starring our very own Washoe County Commission.

In this corner: Commissioner Mike Clark, actual admitted senior citizen and long-time champion of senior issues. In that corner: Commissioner Clara "Photo Op" Andriola, suddenly discovering seniors exist. Behind the curtain: Chair Alexis Hill, puppet master, and motivated to make sure Mike Clark is not reelected in 2026.

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He’s Back! The Return Nobody Asked For …

Microwave another bag of popcorn, folks. Sparks Mayor Ed Lawson is back on Facebook, and he's brought his signature mix of confusion, complaints, and unintentional comedy, at the expense of the residents of Sparks.

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Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

Oh, Kathleen. Kathleen, Kathleen, Kathleen.

Reno City Councilmember Killjoy Kathleen is still pushing Renoites to use her campaign email ( for official city business. Because apparently, proper government channels are just too... governmental?

In her eager attempt to dodge public records requirements, Taylor has actually created a legal face-plant for herself. Our legal eagles tell us that by publicly directing constituents to use her campaign email for city business, she's effectively turned those "private" campaign emails discoverable, AKA open to public record requests. Now we might have to sue, but it would be worth it.

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Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

Drama at City Hall: When Hillary Met Killjoy Kathleen

Move over, reality TV, and for more City of Reno political theatre. The latest drama unfolding at Reno City Council has everything: surprise votes, heated exchanges, and an off-camera showdown that's got everyone talking.

Our story begins with Vice Mayor Kathleen "Killjoy" Taylor dropping a surprise "no" vote on Mayor Schieve's Redevelopment Board appointments. (You know, that board that's been collecting dust since 2017?) But wait - she was just warming up.

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Show Us The Math: Hill and Brown's Latest Homeless Numbers Don't Add Up

On February 3, 2025, Commission Chair Alexis Hill and County Manager Eric Brown made quite the presentation at the Nevada Legislature, claiming they've reduced homelessness in Washoe County by 40%.

Let's Talk About Déjà Vu:

  • Haven't we heard this magical 40% number before? or was it 50% back in 2023?

  • Wasn't it proven false last time?

  • Where's the data to back up this recycled claim?

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Developer's Best Friend: Devon Reese's Latest Housing Hustle

While reading today's Reno Gazette Journal, we couldn't help but cheer their coverage of the latest development debacle in the City of Reno - you know, the one Councilmember Devon Reese is championing from his million-dollar perch in Somersett.

Speaking of Somersett... Isn't it fascinating how Reese pushes for dense development everywhere except in his own upscale neighborhood?

Follow the Money: A quick peek at Reese's Secretary of State Contribution and Expense reports tells you everything you need to know. Developer dollars flow like wine into his campaign coffers, and surprise, surprise - he never met a development project he didn't love.

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The Great Tax Heist: Hill's Post-Election Flip-Flop for Fire Regionalization

Remember when Alexis Hill swore up and down during her 2024 campaign that she wouldn't raise taxes? That promise had a shorter shelf life than milk left in the sun.

Hill spent three years, 2022, 2023, and 2024, playing political dodgeball with fire regionalization, we now know why - she was waiting until after reelection to drop the tax bomb. State Senator Skip Daly's email spells it out: your wallet is about to get lighter.

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