The Toll Road Nobody Asked For …
Yesterday Picon wrote about Mayor Lawson and his two buddies who are getting, yet again, a contract with the City of Sparks to help carry the Truckee Meadows Public Land Management Act being sponsored by U.S. Senator Jacky Rosen.
The City of Sparks' latest moves raise serious questions about governance and the allocation of public resources. At the center is Mayor Ed Lawson's decision to award two $80,000 contracts to familiar consultants - a move that deserves scrutiny not just for its cost, but for its broader implications.
But wait it gets better, Picon had a few minutes last night so we downloaded the documents attached to the Consent Agenda Items. The Addendums between the City of Sparks and SB Strategic Consulting, Inc. and Barrett Resources.
Perhaps most concerning is the revelation about the La Pasada/USA Parkway bypass road project. The contract addendum reveals plans for a toll road that seems to lack broad public support. This initiative appears to be primarily driven by Mayor Lawson, despite its role in the political downfall of former Councilmember Kristopher Dahir.
The addendums are identical, so we won’t bore you posting both of them and we’ve outlined the important parts.
We enjoy Mayor Lawson feels there is going to be an “eventual construction of this road.”
There’s more … the next interesting paragraph in the addendum is:
In the event that consultant and the City are successful in passing a federal law that contains desired disposal parcels of BLM/FS land with the timeframe of this contract, consultant and the City may agree to shift the scope of work toward prioritizing disposal parcels for auction at the discretion of the City, while working with Washoe County and the BLM to have this land expedited for sale.
The addendums are identical and we found this the most interesting paragraph boxed in red
Say what Ed? You’re going to have Scott and Chris run over to the county to get access to these parcels to have the land expedited for sale. Now Picon might be confused, but from what we’ve read this bill would distribute the lands to Washoe County and then the commissioners will take action. So does this mean Ed’s lobbyists will be working with Commissioner Clara Andriola since they vocally have supported her, along with Lawson. Perchance this is why the trio supported Andriola was to have a better access to the lands?
The addendum's language regarding land sales is particularly troubling. It outlines a process for expediting BLM/FS land sales that seems to bypass normal procedures. The timing and arrangement raise questions about potential political favoritism, especially given the consultants' connections to Commissioner Clara Andriola.
Good plans can sometimes fall apart Ed ..
The Washoe County Commission might look a whole lot different when these lands would be distributed, and Andriola and Hill might be the lame ducks. Commissioner Mariluz Garcia has one heck of a race, with Troy Regas as her opponent. In 2022 she ran against a “Robert Beadles backed” candidate, with no name recognition. Not in 2026, with Regas, Garcia’s got a well known name with no ties to the Big Bad Beadles.
Rumor on the street is Commissioner Jeanne Herman has identified an individual who she will be supporting in District 5.
Let’s not forget Commissioner Mike Clark, champion of Washoe County Seniors, who will be running for reelection in District 2 that has become redder over the last 2.5 years.
Hey Ed, as your early retiring faithful Sparks employees how can you equate giving these two gentlemen $80,000 each, and using them additionally for your toll road passage.
What gives us much excitement is termed out Ward 4 Councilmember Charlene Bybee who is is rumored will be running for Sparks Mayor.
A campaign between Bybee and Lawson be fun. We just wonder if Ed’s lobbyist pals will stay on Team Ed or switch over to Team Bybee, because we all know with the way Ed’s been leading the city and his $18 million deficit he’s going to have a hard time explaining the last four years.