The Nevada Independent has announced they will be selling advertising on their website. Such a great idea. We thought why not? Contact PIcon at if you’re interested in drinking deep.

Picon Press Media LLC

Many folks don't trust the media. That's not news. At Picon Press Media LLC, we hope to regain that trust through nonpartisan coverage that is grounded in public records and guided by transparency, not innuendo or online grandstanding. We'll follow the facts - for you.

Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

Great Advice …

Picon always reads The Barber Brief and Ms. Barber got it right in the latest brief “Preview: February 26, 2025 Reno City Council meeting” where she noted this Hunden Partners presentation that was talked about at the City of Reno’s Redevelopment Agency Advisory Board (RAAB) being worth a read.

We have put up the 110 page report which is chocked full of information.

Picon urges all to closely watch the RAAB because they have a lot of power and were appointed by Mayor Hillary Schieve with little or no involvement from anyone else in the city.

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Beyond Valentine's Day: Our Seniors Need More Than Cards

Yes, Sparks Councilmember Donald Abbott's Valentine's Day cards for seniors is a sweet gesture. For five years, he's brought smiles to seniors' faces - for one day.

But what about the other 364 days when our seniors:

  • Choose between buying groceries or medicine

  • Face eviction notices because they can't afford skyrocketing rent

  • Eat substandard meals from Washoe County Human Services Agency

  • Battle isolation and depression

  • Return to work because their fixed incomes aren't enough anymore

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Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

Oh, Kathleen. Kathleen, Kathleen, Kathleen.

Reno City Councilmember Killjoy Kathleen is still pushing Renoites to use her campaign email ( for official city business. Because apparently, proper government channels are just too... governmental?

In her eager attempt to dodge public records requirements, Taylor has actually created a legal face-plant for herself. Our legal eagles tell us that by publicly directing constituents to use her campaign email for city business, she's effectively turned those "private" campaign emails discoverable, AKA open to public record requests. Now we might have to sue, but it would be worth it.

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Drama at City Hall: When Hillary Met Killjoy Kathleen

Move over, reality TV, and for more City of Reno political theatre. The latest drama unfolding at Reno City Council has everything: surprise votes, heated exchanges, and an off-camera showdown that's got everyone talking.

Our story begins with Vice Mayor Kathleen "Killjoy" Taylor dropping a surprise "no" vote on Mayor Schieve's Redevelopment Board appointments. (You know, that board that's been collecting dust since 2017?) But wait - she was just warming up.

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Downtown Reno's Property Puzzle: A Tale of Connected Dots

What started as a simple reader question about a downtown corner property has unraveled into an intriguing web of real estate connections that would make a detective's spidey senses tingle.

Remember our piece back on January 11, 2025, about the City of Reno's peculiar habit of playing Sugar Daddy to property owners through the ReStore program? You know, the one where taxpayers somehow got stuck with the bill for basic landlord responsibilities at Crak N' Grill - because apparently fixing broken windows and leaky roofs is now a public service. This is no fault of Crak N’ Grill’s they got the ReStore funding and can/should use it but their landlord should have taken care of basic building repairs.

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City of Reno - Demo First, Get Funding Later

What is it with the City of Reno’s “Gang of Seven” and the former Community Assistance Center (CAC) buildings on Record Street. Are they embarrassed that the building was allowed to fall into decay on their watches? Well, frankly, they should be, but hey it is only taxpayer money, so they don’t care. Are they afraid they will haunted by the memory of former Mayor Bob Cashell after allowing the buildings to fall into ruins. They should be, Cashell was proud to open the CAC in 2008.

Local homeless advocate, Lily Baran, has brought great ideas forward for these spaces to help homeless women and children, but no matter how good the idea the Reno City Council just don’t listen.

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City of Reno's Greatest Show: Making Ethics Disappear

Watch in amazement as the City of Reno's "Gang of Seven" performs their most spectacular illusion yet - making developer deals vanish before elections, only to reappear like magic in 2025.

What's that behind your ear? Oh, just another zoning change.

Renoites start paying attention to what the City of Reno Government is up to. Remember the city put all their developer buddies, builder pals, and lobbyist BFFs on hold in 2024 so they could get reelect.

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City of Reno: Making Landlords' Responsibilities Disappear

Our Town Reno just pulled back the curtain on the City's ReStore program, and what do we find? A spectacular show of making property owners' basic responsibilities vanish into thin air - using YOUR tax dollars as the magic wand.

First let us say, this is no reflection on Crak N’ Grill, we’re on the side of small business owners, and if the program and the money is available, go for it. What we question is the thought process of our overly-paid City of Reno elected officials.

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The Never-Ending Stevenson Street Saga

What started as a simple street abandonment in September 2024 has turned into Reno's longest-running political circus, starring our freshly-minted Vice Mayor Kathleen Taylor, who squeaked into office by the skin of her teeth.

Fun fact: She even managed to charm the Washoe County Republican Party into an endorsement. Talk about a magic trick. Picon ponders if she would have won against the very Democratic Frank Perez without it. We know of a few Republicans who leaned they were duped who want their votes back.

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Politics in 2025? Reese is Chumming for Support.

Oh, you Renoites crying "no politics, it's only 2025!" Bless your hearts. While you're trying to recover from your holiday food coma, Councilmember Devon Reese is already playing political musical chairs for the 2026 mayor's race. Because nothing says "I'm totally confident about my future" quite like scrambling for support a year early. Picon calls it “political chumming ,” throwing bait in the water to see what support you can catch.

Speaking of confidence... let's talk about that stunning Ward 5 victory. And by stunning, we mean Reese scraped by with 1,412 votes against checks notes ...who exactly is Brian Cassidy? Despite having a war chest that would make a Vegas casino blush and every developer, builder, and power broker in his pocket, Reese barely outperformed a guy whose biggest claim to fame was some local TV commercials for his small business. Talk about a profile in courage.

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How to Fake a Job Search

Oh, the political theatre …

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the City of Reno's latest performance, where our starring trio – Mayor Schieve, Councilmember Reese, and Interim Manager Bryant – delivered an Emmy-worthy display of municipal make-believe. With a whopping 1,024 YouTube views, this December 4th spectacle proved that bad theater isn't just for community playhouses anymore, you can see it at this City of Reno Council meeting with no ticket needed.

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City of Reno, Better Audio Please …

The November 19, 2024, City of Reno Neighborhood Advisory Board Meeting regarding Lyon Living's conditional use permit application proved to be an exercise in frustration for community members. The presentation by Wood Rodgers' representative Andy Durling was hampered by significant audio issues, making it nearly impossible for YouTube attendees to follow the crucial details of the proposed development. We could all see Durling’s presentation but not necessarily hear him or the questions being asked by the attendees.

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RSCVA Needs a BDR Sponsor – Legislatively Speaking

Per NRS 244A, which governs County Fair and Recreation Boards in the State of Nevada, the RSCVA Board elects new officers each July, during even-numbered years. Back in July 2024 the RSCVA voted in their new chair, vice-chair, and secretary/treasurer and they will not revisit new officers until July 2026. If you watch the July 25, 2024, meeting you will see then RSCVA Chair Charlene Bybee floundering with no support, with Alexis Hill moving Hillary Schieve into the role of chair, clearly well-rehearsed by Hill and Schieve. Bybee desperately wanted to hang onto the chair, but the board members wouldn’t even throw Bybee a lifeline just so the organization didn’t look quite so much at odds, and they let her go down with the ship. Picon is referring to one of Bybee’s more cringe-worthy statements made to the Reno Gazette-Journal steering the ship at the RSCVA, “Bringing the right person is more important than ever. I’m on a mission. I’ve got to move this Titanic and get it away from the iceberg.”

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How About a Comment Commissioner Alexis Hill, Re: Eric Brown & Cari-Ann Burgess

AKA: Washoe County Standard Operating Shenanigans

In the midst of what should have been a period of calm and efficiency, Washoe County finds itself embroiled in a whirlwind of controversy and intrigue. The recent episodes involving key personnel such as Interim Registrar of Voters Cari-Ann Burgess and County Manager Eric Brown have sent shockwaves through the community, raising questions about transparency, accountability, and the true dynamics at play within the county's administrative circles.

Looks like a few employees at the county have gotten too comfortable in their ivory tower, forgetting their taxpayer-funded throne isn't actually bulletproof. Nothing is quite like watching a public servant who's confused 'serving the public' with 'sovereign rule over the peasants.'

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Disparity in Outcomes - AKA It’s All About Who

Scott Kelly went through a nasty divorce. This Is Reno went into great detail regarding his divorce, fake Facebook account, a GPS tracker on his Kelly’s ex-wife’s car, and an extramarital relationship with a stripper, along with other allegations, all not a good look for a Washoe County School District Trustee and back in 2020 when this scandal hit, Kelly was running for reelection to his school board trustee seat.

Fast forward to 2024 and the City of Reno Code Enforcement Director Alex Woodley, allegedly resigned from his job. Woodley says he decided it was time to retire, but we have it on good authority his retirement happened on the same day as he was confronted with the fact the City of Reno had randomly discovered his sexting on his city phone. Just look at the letter of resignation provided to the Reno Gazette Journal.

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Love Target

Okay, we can hear everyone out there gnashing their teeth with Picon writing that we really enjoyed the former Director of Code Enforcement at the City of Reno, Alex Woodley. He seemed to be fair and friendly and was willing to talk to the press.

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Does Frank Perez REALLY Want to Win Ward 1?  

Our Town Reno asked a question last week and that was can Frank Perez win the City of Reno Ward 1 City Council race. Picon thinks there is a more important question to be asked, and that is “does Frank Perez really want to win” or was he the “buffer” candidate that stopped Lily Baran from getting elected.

Baran would owe her allegiance to no one, and we think some powers that be on the Reno City Council didn’t want that. Just look at Perez’s social media he is besties with many movers and shakers, mostly Commissioner Mariluz Garcia, Councilmember Miguel Martinez and School Board Trustee Alex Woodley.

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Now You F#@king Tell Me This?!

We always enjoy Shaun Mullen’s Nextdoor posts, and yesterdays was just a wonderous thing.

Picture this: It's 2018, and Maureen McKissick is spilling tea so scalding it could melt the Sierra snow cap. Fast forward to today, and Alex Woodley's alleged sexting scandal has us all feeling like we're trapped in a bad remake of "50 Shades of Government Gray."

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No List! No Wunderbar!

In a whirlwind of bureaucratic bungles and technological terrors, the residents of Washoe County find themselves embroiled in a tale of data woe. What started as a simple request for a voter list has snowballed into a comedy of errors, with twists and turns that would make even the most seasoned political pundit scratch their head in confusion.

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