The Nevada Independent has announced they will be selling advertising on their website. Such a great idea. We thought why not? Contact PIcon at if you’re interested in drinking deep.
Picon Press Media LLC
Many folks don't trust the media. That's not news. At Picon Press Media LLC, we hope to regain that trust through nonpartisan coverage that is grounded in public records and guided by transparency, not innuendo or online grandstanding. We'll follow the facts - for you.
Reno City Manager Calls Out Washoe County in Bold Fiscal Challenge
Just hours after we questioned Sparks councilmembers' panda-viewing trip amid an $18 million deficit, a reader provided us with an eye-opening document from Reno City Manager Jackie Bryant that reveals deeper regional tensions.
Bryant's letter to Washoe County demands an "equitable fiscal framework," exposing significant financial disparities between the county and cities. While the timing might raise eyebrows—with both cities facing deficits—Bryant's carefully constructed argument raises legitimate concerns that deserve attention.
WHO TIPPED OFF THE RGJ? The Remote Worker Scandal Washoe County Can't Hide
Someone at the county is singing like a canary. What prompted the RGJ to suddenly request badge data for IT Director Behzad Zamanian? Our sources inside the 9th Street building tell all.
It seems Zamanian's IT staff have had ENOUGH of their boss's ghost routine. Five years in, and he's still playing the "remote work" card with zero effort to actually move to Nevada. But wait—there's more.
What's Eric Brown REALLY Hiding Behind His IT Guy's Commute?
The plot thickens at Washoe County, where Manager Eric Brown seems awfully eager to defend his CIO's unusual work arrangement. But why rush to defend if there's nothing to hide?
Let's follow the breadcrumbs: Someone "prompted" Greater Reno/Mark Robison to look into Behzad Zamanian's hybrid work situation. Who's the mysterious deep throat feeding tips to journalists? And more importantly—why? And how did Brown learn of this?
County Manager's Attempt at a Cover-Up Exposed
Please read to the bottom of this article and look at the complaint filed by criminal attorney Theresa Ristenpart. You’ll want to note the troubling information about Sober 24 and their testing methods “Including Forcing Pretrial Client to Strip Search Before Testing” - say what? Was County Manager Eric Brown and his staff aware this was taking place at Sober 24?
Has County Manager Eric Brown suddenly morphed into a legal expert, "warning" commissioners to keep quiet about the Justin Roper investigation. His excuse? Speaking might "risk of possibly interfering" with the law enforcement investigation or is it an "HR matter." Keep up Eric, choose one.
Washoe County’s Non-Strategic Plan
Washoe County's January 28th Strategic Planning Meeting wasn't so much a planning session as it was a carefully orchestrated performance. County Manager Eric Brown paraded his loyal appointees before the commissioners in what amounted to an elaborate puppet show—department heads and direct reports dutifully describing a county running like clockwork under Brown's exceptional leadership and planning for the future.
The charade of commissioners directing the county's future course? Pure theater. At Washoe County, the ship sails only in the direction Brown charts, regardless of what elected officials might prefer. These are the same Brown-selected officials who crafted Commissioner Alexis Hill's presentation to the Nevada Legislature's Senate Committee on Government Affairs—the one where she boldly claimed a 40% reduction in homelessness, a figure so dubious it deserves its own category of creative accounting.
Washoe County's Hot Potato Position Presents …
At the Washoe County Board of County Commission Meeting on Tuesday, February 25, 2025 after the presentation from the newly appointed Registrar of Voter Andrew McDonald there were questions.
One asked by Commissioner Mike Clark wondered if he could be sent The Elections Group list of categories which was highlighted by McDonald on Page 11 of his presentation. Clark noted that some recommendations (96) have been completed, others are in progress, not started, or no action at this time. Clark asked if a list of the categories could be sent to him.
What's Brown Hiding? ROV Selection Committee Signed NDAs ?
When did selecting a Registrar of Voters become a classified operation?
County Manager Eric Brown has turned what should be a transparent process into a closed-door affair, complete with non-disclosure agreements. Let that sink in: A committee filled with county employees selecting someone to oversee our elections are being sworn to secrecy.
Show Us The Math: Hill and Brown's Latest Homeless Numbers Don't Add Up
On February 3, 2025, Commission Chair Alexis Hill and County Manager Eric Brown made quite the presentation at the Nevada Legislature, claiming they've reduced homelessness in Washoe County by 40%.
Let's Talk About Déjà Vu:
Haven't we heard this magical 40% number before? or was it 50% back in 2023?
Wasn't it proven false last time?
Where's the data to back up this recycled claim?
Has Jeanne Herman Been Played Again?
Just when everyone thought the Registrar of Voters carousel might stop spinning, Commissioner Jeanne Herman assured us all was well. The hand-picked candidate would be "wonderful." Take a deep breath, relax - the drama's over, right?
Plot twist: It's Andrew McDonald. Yes, THAT Andrew McDonald.
County Manager Brown - Where's the Accountability for Allowing the Public to be Mislead?
Remember all those Board of County Commissioner meetings where we were told no staff time was being used for Drag Story Hour? Well, a 2023 public record from the Washoe County Library just blew that story wide open.
The Smoking Gun: Library Executive Director Jeff Scott's public records show "Comp time/staff reassignments" for these events. Let's be clear - comp time is still staff time, and staff time is still paid for by taxpayer dollars.
Washoe County's Vulnerable Population: A Bureaucratic Betrayal
In a masterclass of municipal mismanagement, Washoe County has transformed public service into a cynical shell game, with mental health patients and seniors as unwitting pawns.
Enter the “$32,000-Man” County Manager Eric Brown, maestro of magical thinking, preparing to perform his annual strategic planning workshop on Tuesday, January 28, 2025 - a thinly veiled fundraising plea disguised as governmental transparency.
Silencing Dissent: Washoe County's Calculated Move to Shield Manager Brown
In a display equal to the City of Reno’s political theater, Washoe County has conveniently buried an agenda item until 2025 – just in time for County Manager Eric Brown's annual review. How convenient that pesky resident complaints won't mar today's coronation ceremony.
The timing is about as subtle as a sledgehammer. Item 20, which promised to be ripe for public criticism, mysteriously vanished from the agenda following Brown's eleventh-hour email. Commissioner Mike Clark confirmed the postponement, citing the ever-reliable "staff suggestions" – a transparent excuse that fools precisely no one.
If You Don't Count the Homeless, Maybe They Don't Exist.
As Eric Brown's annual review is tomorrow, Washoe County has conveniently "revised" its evaluation criteria – presumably to mask another year of mismanagement behind a façade of independence. The only thing more remarkable than Brown's list of failures is the chorus of commissioners rushing to applaud them.
Déjà vu at Washoe County Commission
We watched Commission Chair Alexis Hill master the art of agenda gymnastics! At Tuesday's - December 10, 2024 - meeting, she pirouetted through items faster than a politician dodging questions, strategically punting decisions until her reliable voting buddy Commissioner Garcia returns from absence. Talk about choreography – with what would be a 2-2 split, Hill and her mini-me Andriola against Clark and Herman, Hill wasn't about to risk the agenda tie votes to have to have repeat performances.
Washoe County Libraries: From Safe Havens to Staging Grounds for Fear
These signs are posted throughout our Washoe County libraries, thus it must have the approval of Library Director Jeff Scott. Has Scott gotten permission from the Washoe County Library Trustees to post this signage to instill confusion and stress for Washoe County residents of less library hours, less days open, less library employees, etc.
Remember when libraries were sanctuaries of learning and hope? Places where children discovered magical worlds and seniors found quiet comfort? Today, in Washoe County, something has changed.
While Herb Kaplan from the District Attorney's office keeps a less-than-watchful eye over Library Director Jeff Scott's decisions, our community's cherished spaces are being transformed into billboards of anxiety. The question echoing through our reading rooms: Why?
Jeff Scott’s Budget Crisis
Are the widely publicized "budget cuts" at the Washoe County Library System as severe as portrayed? Executive Director Jeff Scott's warnings about losing 22 staff members, cutting hours, and other dire consequences deserve closer scrutiny. Are his comments factual? We don’t know.
Despite knowing the $4.5 million in funding was at risk, there's been no transparent sharing of budget analyses or alternative scenarios from Executive Director Scott. While Scott controls the system's messaging and media narrative, taxpayers and library patrons remain in the dark about actual financial planning.
Washoe County’s “Presiding Officer” Alexis Hill
The great and powerful Commissioner Alexis Hill has been reelected to the Washoe County Commission District 1 giving her another four years to continue to remove residents’ voices.
Right, Hill wanted you to vote for her but now the peon’s voices must be silent. Basically, Hill doesn’t want to hear from you, your thoughts, or ideas. And who’s helping her with her public comment lockdown the Washoe County District Attorney Chris Hicks.
AAUGH!!! -WC1 Failed
You’re kidding, right? Voters didn’t understand the ballot measure, oh come on. Now you’re insulting voters intelligence.
Voters understood exactly what they were voting for, and vote they did to defeat the WC1.
The library smackdown continues as Director Jeff Scott's doomsday predictions - shuttered buildings, mass staff exodus, and a limited-day workweek - fall flat after WC1's surprise defeat. His confident choir of supporters, who practically had the victory party planned, are now oddly quiet. One burning question remains: In all that time spent working on passing WC1, was there no worst-case scenarios, did anyone bother drafting a Plan B?
Cisco Aguilar and Washoe County Allowed “VOTE here for DEMOCRATS” Signs to Stay Up for Weeks
Picon literally laughed out loud last week when Nevada Secretary of State Cisco Aguilar came out with his “Electioneering” Memo – how about way too little way too late. We have simply been to busy this week until today to get to this story.
For weeks there were signs outside polling location that were printed with “Vote for Democrats” and no one was turning them in, people were posting photos of the sigs on social media asking where they were coming from but no one was getting them taken down because they seemed not to know who to complain to. Next time folks go to the Washoe County Registrar of Voters.
“South Valleys Regional Park Not the Site for Professional Soccer Facility”
Washoe District 2 Commissioner Mike Clark went on a dais rant at the Tuesday, August 20, 2024, Board of County Commissioner meeting inquiring, “Do I have to lawyer up here?”