The Nevada Independent has announced they will be selling advertising on their website. Such a great idea. We thought why not? Contact PIcon at if you’re interested in drinking deep.

Picon Press Media LLC

Many folks don't trust the media. That's not news. At Picon Press Media LLC, we hope to regain that trust through nonpartisan coverage that is grounded in public records and guided by transparency, not innuendo or online grandstanding. We'll follow the facts - for you.

Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

Disclose, disclose, disclose …

Picon found this an interesting list of lawyers from Washoe County Government Board of County Commissioner’s Meeting tomorrow, August 20, 2024.

Look at Agenda Item 10.E.1 – Recommendation to approve the revised Pro Term Justice of the Peace panel for the Justice Courts pursuant to NRS 4.032; and approve the same list to serve as potential Administrative Enforcement Code Hering Offices pursuant to Washoe County Code 125.225.

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Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

Gotta Love Jenny Brekhus

Okay, Picon will admit to sometimes being frustrated by Jenny Brekhus over these many years when she has taken us down the path of doing what is right for the City of Reno residents.

Is it frustrating listing to Councilmember Brekhus trying to hold us all to a higher standard, yes.

Is it exhausting, and sometimes you want to side with her foes, one wants to shout, “Jenny, can you just let it go.”  

Brekhus has been a champion of the residents of Reno since the day she was elected. No one can dispute that.

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Don’t Damonte South Meadows

Where’s the appeal?

You know the one Wendy Damonte promised us on July 24, 2024, after the Washoe Open Space and Regional Parks Commission voted against the soccer stadium at South Valley’s Regional Park. Spunky, former television anchor, Wendy Damonte, bounded out of the Washoe Parks meeting and commented to the two television stations bivouacked in the county complex lobby, that “they expected this” and certainly illuded to the fact they would be moving forward with the next steps. The only “step” left for Damonte and Bob Enzenberger on behalf of For Our Fans Foundation is to appeal the Washoe Open Space and Regional Parks Commissioner’s decision to the Washoe County Commissioners.

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County Manager Eric Brown Homeless vs Seniors

Marie Baxter, Chief Executive Officer of Catholic Charities of Northern Nevada was on KOLOTV with Rebecca Kitchen, Wednesday, July 31, 2024, talking about their need for volunteers to serve food at the Nevada Cares Campus to the homeless.

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Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

Show Us the Public Records 

Picon is clearly confused, but that would be nothing new.

We received an email forwarded by Commissioner Mike Clark yesterday regarding the decision by the Washoe County WVC Workplace Violence Committee to cease hosting PRIDE events at the Washoe County Libraries.

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Howell’s It Going Washoe County?

We’ve been trying to track the disappearance of the former Director of Washoe County Human Services Agency Amber Howell who went missing in April 2023. We keep checking milk cartons. When anyone inquired about Howell, Washoe County hid behind human resources as they always do, unable to release any information.

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Picon Applauds the Brave

We have written a lot about the Nevada Cares Campus and realized at one point it would take a number of people coming forward to hopefully get true investigations started.

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Eric Brown Hedging His Bets?

We received a delicious little dossier of candid snaps and pondered what to do with them. Once we heard the KRNV interview with Washoe County Government Commissioner Ward 1 candidate Marsha Berkbigler we knew what to do, publish ‘em.

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I Never Saw the Package, Until Today

Commissioner Mike Clark reached out to us yesterday afternoon after having been called out by City of Reno Mayor Hillary Schieve for being in the audience of the Reno City Council meeting…

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Washoe County’s Club Med

At the recent Washoe County Board of County Commissioner meeting, December 12, 2023, the annual review of County Manager Eric Brown was a topic of discussion. It is worth noting that Manager Brown’s compensation is slightly below that of Las Vegas County Manager Kevin Schiller, who was previously a Washoe County Assistant County Manager.

Considering that Las Vegas is the 11th largest city in the United States, there should be scrutiny regarding the slim difference between Manager Brown's compensation and that of the Las Vegas County Manager. This highlights the disparity in income between officials in different regions of Nevada. Considering the significant difference in population size and economic activity between Washoe County and Las Vegas, the closeness in compensation seems questionable.

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