The Nevada Independent has announced they will be selling advertising on their website. Such a great idea. We thought why not? Contact PIcon at if you’re interested in drinking deep.

Picon Press Media LLC

Many folks don't trust the media. That's not news. At Picon Press Media LLC, we hope to regain that trust through nonpartisan coverage that is grounded in public records and guided by transparency, not innuendo or online grandstanding. We'll follow the facts - for you.

Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

Don’t Damonte South Meadows

Where’s the appeal?

You know the one Wendy Damonte promised us on July 24, 2024, after the Washoe Open Space and Regional Parks Commission voted against the soccer stadium at South Valley’s Regional Park. Spunky, former television anchor, Wendy Damonte, bounded out of the Washoe Parks meeting and commented to the two television stations bivouacked in the county complex lobby, that “they expected this” and certainly illuded to the fact they would be moving forward with the next steps. The only “step” left for Damonte and Bob Enzenberger on behalf of For Our Fans Foundation is to appeal the Washoe Open Space and Regional Parks Commissioner’s decision to the Washoe County Commissioners.

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Bye, Bye, Bybee

Item E.1 RSCVA Election of Board Chair

The RSCVA Chair has to be one of the elected officials on the board, and it isn’t Councilmember Charlene Bybee any longer.

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Speak No Evil: Commissioner Alexis Hill’s Selective Gavel Censorship

Alexis Hill doesn’t care about free speech, and over the last year she’s proven it monthly with her gavel, however no more so than this last month with the dustup over $10,000 and an alleged swastika. The people Hill decided to chastise have now turned against her and are supporting her opponent. Is it deserved, our guest columnist thinks so:

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Why Did We Burn Our Bras?

At the Washoe County Commission meeting, Mariluz Garcia stated yesterday she had received a curveball regarding Agenda Item 10, the approval of agreements with RISE, Volunteers of America, and Karma Box Project at the Nevada Cares Campus.

We sort of think Garcia threw a curveball right back at the residents of Washoe County, when she supported the three agreements being approved after allegations regarding Karma Box Project.

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WOW Factor at Washoe County Jail

Picon has questions why Washoe County Nevada Government Human Services Agency senior lunches are not more robust, and perhaps more flavorful. County Manger Eric Brown explained it away because seniors can’t have salt, sugar and need certain flavor profiles for health. Guess that doesn’t extend to the “innocent until proven guilty” residents at the Washoe County Jail.

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Mariluz Was Missed

Voters, you really need to pay attention to what is going on at Washoe County Government. Agenda Item 10.E.1 which was approving the “Early Voting and Election Day locations.” It was mentioned by a public commenter that Appointed Commissioner Clara Andriola has a campaign office at Red Hawk which will also be one of the polling locations. Conflict? Could be.

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Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

Sit, Don’t Stand

As Washoe County Commissioner Alexis Hill admonished yesterday during the Board of County Commissioners meeting, “It is not mandatory to rise, by the way.”

We’d like to question how wrong can invocations go? About this wrong.

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Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

Clara Finds Her Voice, Quietly

During the March 26, 2024, Washoe County Board of Commissioners meeting there was an odd exchange between Commission Chair Alexis Hill and Appointed Commissioner Clara Andriola which we continue to be perplexed by. The exchange was all but whispered by Commissioner Andriola as if she would be in ‘trouble’ if she said too much.

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Just the Facts, Chair Hill

At the Special Meeting of the Washoe County Commission, the Washoe County Canvass of the Vote on Friday, February 16, 2024, we were surprised that there was no ‘early’ public comment on the agenda at the start of the meeting.

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The Importance of Dating a Letter

Commissioner Herman has been facing challenges with the current commission, despite the addition of Garcia and the appointment of Andriola. Picon finds it interesting that the commission, now consisting of four women and one man, continues to treat Commission Herman poorly, despite her tenure and experience. At a January 16, 2024, meeting, Hill, Garcia, and Andriola raised concerns about her competence, readiness, and ability to perform the duties of her role effectively and stopped her from gaining additional duties. This has led to questions about the dynamics and power struggles within the commission.

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