Wrinkle-Gate, Will It Leave Seniors Steamed?

Cover of the RN&R - September 26, 2024 - Illustration/Parkair. Layout/Dennis Wodzisz

Reno News & Review has unleashed a political illustration that's more "Golden Girls Gone Wild" than "respectful discourse." The paper, known sometimes for its biting satire, seems to have forgotten that even politicians come with an expiration date.

Look Picon enjoys a meme, cartoon, illustration, political satire as much as the next guy. We are snarky media, and we admit it. However, we always try to remember to lead with kindness when we are attempting political satire and that everyone, even if we don’t agree with their politics, are human beings.

While RN&R might not like the Republican Washoe County Commissioners or agree with their politics, they might want to remember that while they parody their likeness, they seem to have forgotten that the three people they have besmirched are all senior citizens.

Commissioner Jeanne Herman, 84, on the RN&R cover sports more neck wrinkles than a Shar Pei. Commissioner Clara Andriola's cartoon not-quite-a-doppelgänger is sweating like she's in a hot yoga class, despite the real Andriola's ability to keep cooler than a cucumber in a snowstorm. And Mike Clark! The artist gifted him with enough ear hair to stuff a mattress.

Meanwhile, the spring chickens of the commission get off scot-free. Where's Hill's trademark lipstick, so red it could guide ships to shore? Is it ageism? Or maybe it's a cunning plan to influence voters.

The timing of this RN&R cover is a bit odd, we mean talk about old news, the certification of the primary election by the Washoe County Commissioners took place in early July 2024. Is this a not-so-subtle jab at Marsha Berkbigler. And, oh yawn, more questions about Robert Beadles for Berkbigler, that seem to have already been asked 100 times before. The RN&R had Beadles on their cover on September 2022.  

Reno News and Review - Robert Beadles interview - 2022. 

In a twist of irony sweeter than prune juice, the free RN&R publication is distributed in senior centers. Does RN&R want senior readership, or do they just want to be able to tell their advertisers where they have distribution locations.

Remember, RN&R, karma's a witch with a long memory. One day, you too will be fighting gravity and random hair growth. Until then, maybe stick to roasting politicians for their policies, not their AARP memberships. After all, age is just a number - unless you're counting wrinkles in a political illustration.

Picon appreciates senior citizens comments, calls, and story ideas, heck our publisher is a senior.  

From Reno News & Review website. 

We reached out to Commissioners Herman, Andriola, and Clark for comments. The only commissioner who answered their phone on a late Friday afternoon, was Mike Clark, District 2 who said, “I got a laugh out of it. I always wanted to look like Walter Cronkite, although some people commented it is more Captain Kangaroo-ish. I’m using it for my 2026 reelection campaign.”


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