The Nevada Independent has announced they will be selling advertising on their website. Such a great idea. We thought why not? Contact PIcon at if you’re interested in drinking deep.
Picon Press Media LLC
Many folks don't trust the media. That's not news. At Picon Press Media LLC, we hope to regain that trust through nonpartisan coverage that is grounded in public records and guided by transparency, not innuendo or online grandstanding. We'll follow the facts - for you.
Washoe County's Hot Potato Position Presents …
At the Washoe County Board of County Commission Meeting on Tuesday, February 25, 2025 after the presentation from the newly appointed Registrar of Voter Andrew McDonald there were questions.
One asked by Commissioner Mike Clark wondered if he could be sent The Elections Group list of categories which was highlighted by McDonald on Page 11 of his presentation. Clark noted that some recommendations (96) have been completed, others are in progress, not started, or no action at this time. Clark asked if a list of the categories could be sent to him.
WC-1 Ballot Measure Won’t Go Away
One of our “sleuthie” readers ran into the attached document the Washoe County FY21-25 Strategic Plan – FY25 Update and while reading through it identified two interesting notations about the Washoe County Library.
Commissioner Hill’s Tahoe Dreams Meet Budget Reality
Alexis Hill and her campaign team are running a Facebook ad accusing Masha Berkbigler of sending an “attack” piece against her. Hill has commented it is absolutely true, “I want our community to have public transit access to and around Lake Tahoe.” That’s great, but not what the graphic says.
Wrinkle-Gate, Will It Leave Seniors Steamed?
Reno News & Review has unleashed a political cartoon that's more "Golden Girls Gone Wild" than "respectful discourse." The paper, known sometimes for its biting satire, seems to have forgotten that even politicians come with an expiration date.
Voters Need a Voice in the City of Reno
The Reno City Charter Committee was questioned by Councilmember Reese regarding their suggestion of daring to want councilmembers elected by the voters instead of appointed by the Reno Mayor and City Council, when a seat is left vacant.
There will be no resolution, despite the need to take it down to the studs…
Despite the efforts of two commissioners, an election resolution seems to be stalled out. Read about the public records surrounding the efforts to keep this off the agenda…
Justice is blind… to Campaign Contributions.
Justice in our community and our country is intimately tied to judges, members of our community who are supposed to remain impartial at all levels. The impartiality of our entire justice system has been in question since the Supreme Court started…
Show Me the Money vs Follow the Money
Picon started to dive into the Nevada Secretary of State Contribution and Expense Reports back in April 2022, after the required April 15th filling date – meaning all political candidates…