The Nevada Independent has announced they will be selling advertising on their website. Such a great idea. We thought why not? Contact PIcon at if you’re interested in drinking deep.

Picon Press Media LLC

Many folks don't trust the media. That's not news. At Picon Press Media LLC, we hope to regain that trust through nonpartisan coverage that is grounded in public records and guided by transparency, not innuendo or online grandstanding. We'll follow the facts - for you.

Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

Kathleen Cares! When Did That Start?

The June 12, 2024, City of Reno Government City Council meeting had everyone on the edge of their seats, especially during the discussions surrounding Agenda Item D.2 - Allocation of Contingency Funds for Fiscal Year 23/24. It felt like an episode of Survivor as we awaited the fate of the allocations.

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Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

Dumb Luck

Picon believes in dumb luck do you?

Dumb Luck is something good that happens in an unexpected way, especially when it is not deserved, you know, it was just dumb luck.

We published an article on May 27, 2024, and used a photo of City of Reno Appointed City Councilmember Kathleen Taylor and the individual who is the Executive Director of Karma Box Project that we found online. Dumb luck.

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