Dumb Luck

ATTENTION: This article and corresponding post contains material of a highly sensitive nature including domestic violence that may be triggering for some individuals.

Picon believes in dumb luck do you?

Dumb Luck is something good that happens in an unexpected way, especially when it is not deserved, you know, it was just dumb luck.

We published an article on May 27, 2024, and used a photo of City of Reno Appointed City Councilmember Kathleen Taylor and the individual who is the Executive Director of Karma Box Project that we found online. Dumb luck.

Let's quickly recap the spark that touched off this smoldering dumpster fire, shall we? A public commenter lobbing bombshell accusations of domestic impropriety against the handpicked leader to administer Washoe County's Nevada Cares Campus Safe Camp. A local media darling Juicy stuff, right!

Now, call us a cynic, but this explosive testimony arriving just in time for said agreements renewal reeks of calculated theatrical timing. Was this earnest whistleblowing? Or a political hit job timed for maximum impact. Within days of the primary election, and involving Commissioner Alexis Hill, and Appointed Reno City Councilmember Kathleen Taylor – both facing opponents in highly contested races. With the number of other women coming out of the darkness we believe this is an earnest statement with no political overtones, if there had been why not sell her story to the press. This is the stuff Dateline is produced for.

Picon was forwarded this update, from a third-party, regarding the individual who spoke at the May 28, 2024, Washoe County Commission Meeting making claims of domestic abuse against the Executive Director of Karma Box Project who has an agreement with Washoe County that was renewed at the commission meeting. All four female commissioners voted to renew the agreement; the only nay vote was Commissioner Mike Clark who wanted to have an investigation first.

Picon is awaiting the release of the investigation Washoe County has engaged earlier this week to look into the public comment. The county is not really looking into the allegations made during public comment, instead they are limiting the scope of the investigation to questioning “guests” residing and employees working at the Nevada Cares Campus Safe Camp. The county will hide behind the fact their agreement is only for the Safe Camp.

While we have been told who is heading the investigation, from an incredibly odd source, which lead us to another opportunity to work on a story we will release on Monday, June 10th, to outline an event that occurred in 2021 and how they tie together with this investigation. We are awaiting the decision of our legal team as to whether we can release a photo of a county employee which is part of a settled Federal Lawsuit. The photo in question is part of a legal record, and anyone with a PACER account can pay $4 per page and download the photo.

Riddle us this, how many times can you use the same investigator to find Washoe County is free from any responsibility.

The individual who made the public comments has rectified a comment she had made, wanting to make the record transparent, and hoping her comments will not fall on deaf ears.

Our dear public commenter Washoe County is wearing their furry earmuffs on these boiling spring days. They are not listening to you. We wanted to print this correction after it was forwarded to us, because it does rectify a record and we thought it best to correct. Also, it is interesting that a comment is made about this photo, and Picon using it in our story was a bit of dumb luck.


June = Library Trustee Time at Washoe County


Washoe County Buries Their Head in the Sand: Safety Concerns, Alexis Hill Knew, and Limited Scope of Investigation