The Nevada Independent has announced they will be selling advertising on their website. Such a great idea. We thought why not? Contact PIcon at if you’re interested in drinking deep.

Picon Press Media LLC

Many folks don't trust the media. That's not news. At Picon Press Media LLC, we hope to regain that trust through nonpartisan coverage that is grounded in public records and guided by transparency, not innuendo or online grandstanding. We'll follow the facts - for you.

Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

It’s Good to Have Friends …

Is the City of Reno's checkbook only open to those with the right connections? The ReStore Reno Program's spending pattern suggests an uncomfortable truth.

First, there's the curious case of Crak N' Grill on Wells Avenue. Despite never opening its doors, the restaurant received taxpayer funds through ReStore Reno for roof repairs, new doors, windows, and paint—essentially giving the property owner a free building upgrade courtesy of Reno residents.

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Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

Great Advice …

Picon always reads The Barber Brief and Ms. Barber got it right in the latest brief “Preview: February 26, 2025 Reno City Council meeting” where she noted this Hunden Partners presentation that was talked about at the City of Reno’s Redevelopment Agency Advisory Board (RAAB) being worth a read.

We have put up the 110 page report which is chocked full of information.

Picon urges all to closely watch the RAAB because they have a lot of power and were appointed by Mayor Hillary Schieve with little or no involvement from anyone else in the city.

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Mayor Schieve's Road Takeover Plan: Addressing Crashes or Dodging Responsibility?

At the February 26, 2025 Reno City Council meeting there is a McCarran Blvd. safety presentation and agenda item. In the interest of true transparency can we have a record of how many tickets the City of Reno Police Department have issued at this intersection in the last 36-months? Picon often uses this route and rarely sees a RPD presence, except when there is an accident.

We agree with the residents who mentioned the speed cars are going, especially coming down McCarran towards Plumb Lane and Mayberry Drive. How about a good old speed trap City of Reno?

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Mayor Lawson’s Public Records Power Grab, AB 51.

Sparks Mayor Ed Lawson is apparently channeling his social media rantings into actual legislation. AB51, the "We'd Rather You Didn't Look Too Closely" bill, aims to make public records about as accessible as Fort Knox – but with more paperwork.

The irony is rich: The League of Cities, whose mission statement reads like a love letter to transparency and innovation, is backing a bill that treats public records requests like classified CIA operations. What's next – secret handshakes and decoder rings?

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Drama at City Hall: When Hillary Met Killjoy Kathleen

Move over, reality TV, and for more City of Reno political theatre. The latest drama unfolding at Reno City Council has everything: surprise votes, heated exchanges, and an off-camera showdown that's got everyone talking.

Our story begins with Vice Mayor Kathleen "Killjoy" Taylor dropping a surprise "no" vote on Mayor Schieve's Redevelopment Board appointments. (You know, that board that's been collecting dust since 2017?) But wait - she was just warming up.

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City of Reno: Making Landlords' Responsibilities Disappear

Our Town Reno just pulled back the curtain on the City's ReStore program, and what do we find? A spectacular show of making property owners' basic responsibilities vanish into thin air - using YOUR tax dollars as the magic wand.

First let us say, this is no reflection on Crak N’ Grill, we’re on the side of small business owners, and if the program and the money is available, go for it. What we question is the thought process of our overly-paid City of Reno elected officials.

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RSCVA Needs a BDR Sponsor – Legislatively Speaking

Per NRS 244A, which governs County Fair and Recreation Boards in the State of Nevada, the RSCVA Board elects new officers each July, during even-numbered years. Back in July 2024 the RSCVA voted in their new chair, vice-chair, and secretary/treasurer and they will not revisit new officers until July 2026. If you watch the July 25, 2024, meeting you will see then RSCVA Chair Charlene Bybee floundering with no support, with Alexis Hill moving Hillary Schieve into the role of chair, clearly well-rehearsed by Hill and Schieve. Bybee desperately wanted to hang onto the chair, but the board members wouldn’t even throw Bybee a lifeline just so the organization didn’t look quite so much at odds, and they let her go down with the ship. Picon is referring to one of Bybee’s more cringe-worthy statements made to the Reno Gazette-Journal steering the ship at the RSCVA, “Bringing the right person is more important than ever. I’m on a mission. I’ve got to move this Titanic and get it away from the iceberg.”

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Schieve’s “Big Juice Job” at City of Reno

Back on July 29, 2024, the Reno City Charter Committee met with the Reno City Council with their final report and recommendations. The focus of the meeting was a report from the City Charter Committee and what to do with those pesky 2025 Bill Draft Requests to be put forth by the Reno City Council.

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Bye, Bye, Bybee

Item E.1 RSCVA Election of Board Chair

The RSCVA Chair has to be one of the elected officials on the board, and it isn’t Councilmember Charlene Bybee any longer.

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Kathleen Cares! When Did That Start?

The June 12, 2024, City of Reno Government City Council meeting had everyone on the edge of their seats, especially during the discussions surrounding Agenda Item D.2 - Allocation of Contingency Funds for Fiscal Year 23/24. It felt like an episode of Survivor as we awaited the fate of the allocations.

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I Never Saw the Package, Until Today

Commissioner Mike Clark reached out to us yesterday afternoon after having been called out by City of Reno Mayor Hillary Schieve for being in the audience of the Reno City Council meeting…

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The Kate Marshall Factor

Picon read Eddie Lorton’s opinion in the Reno Gazette Journal and were hit with the age-old issue of power going to people’s heads. And we don’t mean Eddie’s. When a mayor and councilmember start thinking they’re untouchable, it’s definitely a problem. As the City of Reno Mayor’s term gets nearer to ending day by day, the plots being floated to aid her, and her allies, to stay in power and stay relevant are interesting.

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What’s a Girl Gonna Do?

It would seem as if City of Reno Mayor Hillary Schieve’s dance card is full.

The question is where will she be?

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Far Far Away

Picon finds it curious that City of Reno Mayor Hillary Schieve indicated in an interview with RGJ Mark Robison that the firm the City of Reno retained to investigate Councilmember Jenny Brekhus was someone from out of the area, but in fact that seems to be a bit of a mistruth. Schieve commented to Robison in the November 7, 2023, article, “It was decided to hire a Reno litigation attorney Brian Irvine of Dickinson Wright to find an investigator who was “very, very removed from the political environment here.” Schieve added the person was picked from out of state.

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