Grab Us a Glazed, Because We Are Confused

Where have we been? Trying to gain access to public records to complete our investigations, which has been difficult, however we will prevail. Today we bring you a story long in the works yet stalled by the RPD.

Way back in November 2022, we had heard a rumor that a local business, Doughboys Donuts, had their website hacked. Not the crime of the century, inconvenient for the customers and the owner, but it could be fixed. However, this was a website for a business that is owned by then political candidate for the City of Reno Ward 3 Council Seat, Jay Kenny, and this happened four days prior to the November 8, 2022 election.

Apparently, the crew at the Abbi Agency spends time ordering donuts online, since the owner of the firm, Abbi Whitaker contacted Jay Kenny that something was amiss with his website. Mr. Kenny did the right thing, he reached out to experts, (we’ve got to keep the donut theme going) the men and women in blue, of the Reno Police Department. Mr. Kenny filed a report, which is attached and then a whole lot of nothing. No investigation, no comments, no conclusion – just a report filed.

Now you are probably wondering why we are writing this, however doesn’t this seem as strange to you as it does to us? A local business owner has his website hacked, and who just happens to be a political candidate in a hotly contested race and the RPD files a report. That’s it. A clear crime, on its face is tossed in the round file. Meanwhile a non-crime was getting all the love.

Something started to nag at us. So, a guy owns three donut shops has his website taken over and there are no questions asked, BUT in another hotly contested race for Mayor of Reno, a tracker is discovered on Mayor Hillary Schieve’s car days before the general election and all hell breaks loose. My gosh, the media goes into hyperbole and the Mayor’s PR people, along with the City of Reno, become the Mod Squad trying to find out who did what, when and to who. Resources are deployed (taxpayer dollars) to find these ‘criminals’ who placed the tracker on the car. The Reno Police Department moved the case to Sparks Police Department and the officers tear the tracker apart so they can get to the records and the tracker can be tracked back. After who knows how many hours and taxpayer dollars it is discovered the tracker was placed on the Mayor’s car by a local private investigator and the Spark’s Police Department inform Mayor Schieve that no crime had been committed.

If you watch the video of Hillary being “interviewed”, it would seem the Sparks Police Department tried to turn it into a crime but the cooler head of Sparks, their City Attorney, Wes Duncan, informed the men in blue that no crime was committed because in the State of Nevada you can place a tracker on a car. Northern Nevada is still hearing about ‘trackergate’ because Mayor Schieve is using the media every chance she gets and she is suing the PI, David McNeely in Washoe County District Court, (more of our taxpayer dollars being spent) to find out who hired the PI to put the tracker on the car.

Doughboys Donuts has been a ‘big giver’ to most charities in Reno/Sparks over the years, they are heavily invested in the community. The City of Reno recognized Doughboys Donuts as their fourth Business Recognition Program recipient in 2019, and remember it is the home of the Wolf Pack Paw Glazed Donut, and yet no law enforcement seems to have cared about Jay Kenny and his business. What are we missing?


A Tracker, a Mayor, a Private Eye and a Clock Obsessed Commissioner: The Whole Trackergate Story


One, Two; Buckle My Shoe, Three, Four; There's the Door…