The Sixth Sense of the RGJ

Picon read the Reno Gazette Journal’s article on Friday, February 24, 2023, about contract negotiations starting for the Reno-Sparks Convention and Visitors Authority’s CEO Charles Harris, which was voted on by the RSCVA board on Thursday, February 23, 2023.  Jessica Sferrazza must spend as much time as we do on Transparent Nevada since she is quoted saying in the RGJ, “I think this is one of the highest-paid contracts in the state if you look at Transparent Nevada.” Also reported by the RGJ, Mayor Hillary Schieve commented that she was “not supportive of this contract at all,” speaking to his original contract. We found it surprising the RGJ didn’t take the time to contact the chair of the RSCVA, Sparks Councilwoman Charlene Bybee, for a comment but that might be due to the fact she seems to support Mr. Harris.

Then the Tuesday bombshell from RSCVA CEO Charles Harris, that he is done and does not care to enter into contract negotiations because he’s out of here. It would seem some RSCVA board members have gotten their way. We find it interesting that the RSCVA lands a CEO who has run the ship without ‘issues’ would now be faced with board members who thought he was being paid too much. The numbers Mr. Harris is bringing in, if you watch the YouTube board meetings are record setting – January 2023 set a monthly record with taxable revenue of $29,174,840. Mr. Harris likes to compare success to a ‘ship’ and we think he was running a ‘tight ship’ unlike two of his immediate predecessors, Phil DeLone and Chris Baum. The RSCVA board has a CEO running a smooth ship and some board members are lacking in supporting him? With all the past RSCVA CEO trauma we just question why the board would not do everything to keep Mr. Harris instead of all but insulting him over his pay.

We pondered how Mr. Hidalgo knew there was an email from Mr. Harris to the RSCVA board members. Maybe it is his sixth sense, but then we questioned why the RGJ, who received a copy of the email didn’t publish it. We thought to reach out to the RSCVA and get a copy, and, in true transparency, publish it.

Picon is sorry to learn the RSCVA will lose Mr. Harris. He seems to have steered the RSCVA ship in the right direction. With his departure on October 31, 2023 the board members will be getting a ‘trick’ and no ‘treat’.


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