Mike Clark: Better Than Law & Order

As the Northern Nevada community knows by now, Mike Clark can be quite a polarizing figure. Many members of the community are fond of him and the educational material he sends out in his role as the Washoe County Assessor; many members of the community think he should be barred from office, and removed from this community.

In May of 2021 Justice of the Peace Richard Glasson awarded a temporary protection order against Mike Clark after Clark anonymously sent out a mass mailing utilizing a false return address. He accused specific people in local government of “political skullduggery.”

One of the critical pieces of evidence against Clark is a photograph of Assistant County Manager Kate Thomas. During the TPO/TRO hearing Thomas’ claimed to have not known where the picture came from and implied that Clark had stalked her to obtain the photograph. After June 30th, 2021, Thomas admitted her mother had taken the photo and she had sent it to many people, including Robert Chisel at the City of Reno. The photo in question ended up as evidence in a lawsuit involving Kate Thomas, Andrew Clinger, and the City of Reno, reported on by This Is Reno. Mike Clark claims to have received the photo by simply looking through public documents and making records requests.

Mike Clark launched an appeal and has also since launched a “false light” lawsuit against Kate Thomas, who is being represented by a law firm and attorney paid for by Washoe County: McDonald Carano’s Adam Hosmer-Henner.

Now, there are three pending legal actions involving the County, Clark, and Thomas. First, Washoe County is trying to recoup attorneys fees and court costs associated with the June 30th TPO/TRO hearing. Second, Mike Clark has appealed the TPO/TRO and will soon appear in front of Judge Kathleen Sigurdson. Third, Mike Clark filed his “false light” lawsuit against Thomas.


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