The Nevada Independent has announced they will be selling advertising on their website. Such a great idea. We thought why not? Contact PIcon at if you’re interested in drinking deep.
Picon Press Media LLC
Many folks don't trust the media. That's not news. At Picon Press Media LLC, we hope to regain that trust through nonpartisan coverage that is grounded in public records and guided by transparency, not innuendo or online grandstanding. We'll follow the facts - for you.
City of Reno's Greatest Show: Making Ethics Disappear
Watch in amazement as the City of Reno's "Gang of Seven" performs their most spectacular illusion yet - making developer deals vanish before elections, only to reappear like magic in 2025.
What's that behind your ear? Oh, just another zoning change.
Renoites start paying attention to what the City of Reno Government is up to. Remember the city put all their developer buddies, builder pals, and lobbyist BFFs on hold in 2024 so they could get reelect.
Organic or Pitched? Wall Street Journal Article was a Full Court Press, Wined, Dined, and Slimed
Earlier this week Picon spoke with County Commissioner Mike Clark regarding the Point In Time (PIT) Count. After he read our article, he gave us a call about public records in his possession regarding the Wall Street Journal article we commented on. He shared the emails with us, saying, “maybe you can make sense out of them” and while we were surprised, we sure were not shocked Washoe County sunk low in order to get positive press making it appear they were reducing homelessness by 50% back in November 2023. They had absolutely no choice after the disaster of the CHAB (Community Homeless Advisory Board) meeting on September 11, 2023.
Unveiling the cold truth at CARES
Despite rampant lawlessness at the shelter, instead the County seeks to arrest a former cop…
Intentional Intimidation Is Intolerable
There are some good things and bad things about this. One example could be a civil servant, such as a registrar of voters, is harassed or threatened by members of the public for doing their job. Maybe paying for a deputy or private security to sit outside…
Washoe County’s Workplace Violence Committee? What’s That?
The proposal gives an annual budget of $150,000 for this program. It is implied that this could pay for attorneys, security, therapy, etc., for employees that meet the qualifications of this program. On the surface it actually seems…
Mike Clark: Better Than Law & Order
As the Northern Nevada community knows by now, Mike Clark can be quite a polarizing figure. Many members of the community are fond of him and the educational material he sends out in his role as the Washoe County Assessor; many members…
Elected Washoe County Assessor sues Assistant County Manager Kate Thomas under a “False Light” lawsuit, similar to slander.
The suit, filed May 31, 2022, in District Court alleges among other issues that Kate Thomas lied when she testified about a bikini photo at the center of a yearlong dispute between…