H. Clinton’s Attorney, Gov. Newsom’s Campaign Manager running a Republican-supporting PAC

The Open Democracy PAC is supporting two Republican commissioner candidates in Washoe County - Bob Lucey, Republican, incumbent for District 2 and Wendy Leonard, Republican, challenger in District 5. WHY? Is this a plot so these two candidates win the primary and the Democratic candidates can beat them in the general? The Democrat running in District 5 really has a good chance of winning the general election since Commission Chair Bob Lucey along with Commissioners Jung, Hartung, and Hill cut the district so badly that only 15,000 Republicans are left out of approximately 45,000 voters. So do we call Democrat candidate Edwin Lyngar their sleeper? What about Keith Lockhard? This is gerrymandering gone wrong.

But more to the point - Open Democracy PAC touts Marc Elias as their Advisory Board Member - you know, the guy who served as general counsel to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign in 2016 and John Kerry's presidential campaign in 2004. And Addisu Demissie another Advisory Board Member who bears the distinction of being California Governor Gavin Newsom's campaign manager in 2018. 

Republican Commissioner Bob Lucey is promoting his endorsement - we just would like to understand why - we know Bob is in a tight race, but really? And if Wendy Leonard can't keep her parties straight as a candidate what will she do if elected? Also, why is an ad promoting Wendy taking people to Bob’s website?


Mike Clark: Better Than Law & Order


Former business partner to Bob Lucey’s step-dad and local developer Dane Hillyard; when not cozied up to the City of Reno is pleading for leniency on one of John Burkett’s DUI cases.