Eric Brown Hedging His Bets?
We received a delicious little dossier of candid snaps and pondered what to do with them. Once we heard the KRNV interview with Washoe County Government Commissioner Ward 1 candidate Marsha Berkbigler we knew what to do, publish ‘em.
Back in 2019, former District 1 Commissioner Marsha Berkbigler got her former coworker when it was called Charter Communications, Eric Brown to apply for her ‘then buddy’ County Manager John Slaughter’s job. Slaughter had resigned in the spring of 2019 and the search was on. Prim and proper Marsha relentlessly stumping for her unqualified cable guy pal to ascend to the county's highest non-elected throne? Priceless. Why Brown? Who the heck knows, the guy only had private sector employment, but Berkbigler was a major cheerleader for Brown.
On September 30, 2019, during the public interview for the position Brown said, “I’ve always been interested in local government and even though I chose to go the business route, I’ve always been involved.” Does that mean he voted every two years?
The fact that Berkbigler threw Assistant County Manager Kate Thomas to the wolves was surprising since then Commissioners Bob Lucey and Vaughn Hartung were Kate’s fervent supporters for the county manager postion. In fact, Kate might have helped Berkbigler’s daughter get a job at the Washoe County Sheriff’s Department, so why turn on Kate? In retrospect, the whole debacle seemed sketchy enough to make Bob Lucey and Vaughn Hartung’s hair utterly uncurrrl. Lucey and Hartung were Berkbigler’s staunchest allis on the dais but then her reelection flamed out in spectacular fashion to the relatively unknown Alexis Hill. One can’t help but ponder if those two upstanding gents decided some vendetta-fueled sabotage was in order in 2020. Berkbigler lost and it wasn’t pretty.
Berkbigler is trying to regain her Commission 1 seat, and most of her Republican supporters are not big fans of Brown’s due to the monolithic amount of money he has championed to be thrown into the Nevada Cares Campus, and the Registrar of Voters Office errors. Yet it would seem from these photos of Berkbigler and Brown that the duo’s bond remains. Smart play by Eric to hedge his bets and stay friendly with Berkbigler, who knows her campaign might rebound.
Brown is still busy staying Commish Hill’s buddy too, doing all the heavy lifting to defeat any request Commissioner Clark and Commissioner Herman might have. We wonder if Hill knows Brown is still pals with Berkbigler, maybe she reads Picon.
We understand the other two Republican candidates, foes Eugene Hoover, and Melissa Fitch are not fans of Brown. Bless their conspicuously unbesmirched souls.