Renown Health's Outsourcing Woes: A Community Left Adrift

Renown Health has faced significant upheaval over the past five years, marked by multiple waves of layoffs and outsourcing. This trend has not only impacted the hospital's workforce but has also raised serious concerns about the hospital's commitment to the community it serves.

Lets go back in time to February 2019, when 61 positions were affected, with some outsourced to Secure24, an outsourcing company based in Michigan and others eliminated. The trend continued in July 2021, impacting 166 employees, with some positions outsourced to NTT, yet another out of state outsourcing company and other positions removed. By December 2022, another 45 employees were outsourced to R4 Solutions Inc., another outsourcing company this time with a heavy presence in India, are you seeing a pattern? Followed by 276 employees in May 2023, as food and nutrition services, along with environmental services, were outsourced to Sodexo. Most recently, in June 2023, approximately 15 more employees were outsourced to R4 Solutions Inc.

In 2020, Renown Health engaged TriNet to outsource employees in other states and hire from out of state, including key positions such as the Chief Information Security Officer, Director of IT Applications, and multiple project managers. In 2021, Renown partnered with the University of Nevada Reno’s School of Medicine, leading to many UNR employees being rebadged as Renown employees or finding other positions within UNR. However, a group at the 745 W Moana building, faced with the prospect of becoming Renown employees, left, leaving the second floor empty due to Renown Health's tarnished reputation.

A one of the most recent reviews on Indeed from a Registered Nurse in March 2024 encapsulates the growing discontent: “No sense of teamwork and a 'figure it out attitude' from charge nurses seems highly unsafe. This is one of the most toxic work environments I've ever experienced. My mental health has suffered.”

This pattern of outsourcing and layoffs has significantly reduced Renown Health's direct employee base. According to Wikipedia, Renown Health employs approximately 6,500 people, but a large percentage of these workers are now employed by third parties, each with their own goals and aspirations. This shift is particularly concerning with companies like R4 Solutions Inc., where much of the support staff are based in India, far removed from the local Reno community.

The departure of key executives, such as Mischelle Sanchez Bickley, Chief Human Resources Officer, who left in June 2022 after 20 years with Renown, underscores the instability and dissatisfaction within the organization. The loss of seasoned leaders who deeply understood the local population's needs has compounded the issues caused by outsourcing. Instead, they are being replaced with executives like Charles “Chuck” Podesta, CIO at Renown Health, brought in from the East Coast, who seems to be driving the outsourcing agenda with little regard to the consequences.

In October 2023, Senator Jacky Rosen from Nevada met with Renown Health and the University of Nevada Reno School of Medicine. During this meeting, Rosen remarked, "No surgeon goes into the (operating room) without a complement of people there to support him or her." Yet, with the ongoing outsourcing pursued by Renown, support is being reduced not only for surgeons but throughout the entire hospital. Was Rosen aware of these extensive outsourcing efforts? What are her plans to ensure proper support for the Northern Nevada community? As she is up for election in November of this year, perhaps Senator Rosen needs to take a closer look at Renown Health's practices.

The impact on the local economy is palpable. Outsourcing jobs overseas or to other companies means fewer employment opportunities for local residents, which in turn affects the economic health of the Reno community. Additionally, the increased wait times to see doctors, especially specialists, has hindered patient care, further straining the relationship between Renown Health and the community it vowed to serve.

Renown Health's trajectory over the past few years reveals a troubling departure from its mission to serve the northern Nevada community. The continuous outsourcing and executive departures suggest a disconnect between the hospital's operations and the community's needs, leaving both employees and patients to bear the brunt of these decisions.


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