Gordon Ramsay Didn’t Bother to Cut the Ribbon, Fishy

As I kid, I remembered cooking shows, travel shows, the evening news, showing Brits stopping at their fish and chippy shop, chowing down a traditional cheap meal in England. When I finally made it to London in 2022, what finned me was a price of £12 about $15US for my fish and chips meal, the malt vinegar made the experience delicious. Where were the cheap prices that kept the working class of London eating fish, chips, and a pint? The problem is the price of fish - much of which is imported from Russia.

Back in 2023 the BCC reported:

“The price of fish and chip takeaways has increased by 19% but it has nothing to do with profiteering, the National Federation of Fish Friers (NFFF) says.”

The Reno Gazette Journal/Jason Hidalgo celebrated the opening of Gordon Ramsay Fish & Chips at The Row.  I thought I’d head over for an order, but I ‘caught myself’ the minute I went online and checked out the prices, Holy Halibut Batman.

If I want to build a box, with three pieces of fish $20.99 and they mean “build” my fish box pricewise, because I get to pay $4.99 for chips, I get sauce with the chips, but if I need extra, it is .99 cents. $25.00 for a fish and chip box and Ramsy is charging for extra sauce. If I add a drink, my meal will be over $30 bucks. Did Ramsey even show up in Reno to cut the ribbon at the opening? We can’t find a photo.

To pay this exorbitant fish fee, as a local, I have the excitement of parking in the Silver Legacy parking garage which is a Mad Max moment where I’m always relieved to get out of the garage unscathed. Once parked, I hoof it to the casino leading me round and about hoping I’ll dump some money into a slot machine, and then plunk down $30 bucks for Ramsey’s fish. I’ll skip the experience.

$30 for Fish and Chips I wondered what Ramsay charges for his signature Beef Wellington. Checked online, in Las Vegas at Gordon Ramsey Steak the Roasted Beef Wellington served medium rare, accompanied with glazed root vegetables, potato purée, red wine demi-glace is $84.95. I wondered if I can have extra sauce, the demi-glace, or is there a charge.

I’ll stick with Reno’s Shenanigan's Old English Pub with someone to wait on me, serve me my beverage, enjoy a delicious order of fish and chips, with lots of extra sauce if I ask, at half the price. Stay local eaters.


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