June = Library Trustee Time at Washoe County

Remember back on June 20, 2023, when there were twenty applicants for the appointment of a Washoe County Library Board Trustee. After having to hear Appointed Commissioner Clara Andriola drone on about how she contacted each applicant we were close to a boredom included coma.

We found it interesting out of twenty applicants, why the Washoe County Commissioners didn’t go for some new blood, you know, unlike Al Rogers who not only was a City of Reno and Washoe County employee for years but has served on the Washoe County Regional Animal Services Advisory Board. Where were all those delicious, eager, Washoe County Leadership Academy graduates, you know the people County Manager Eric Brown is training to his way of thinking.

Al Rogers was chosen, as it would seem from the attached communication, because he has a close relationship with Commissioner Alexis Hill and Library Director Jeff Scott. These public records were requested and are floating around town and were shared with us. Picon always enjoys a good public record we don’t have to fight for and believe us getting records from Washoe County Government is becoming a high-stakes battle. County Manager Eric Brown is locking down access to records even more, as the faux pas of the county keep coming to the forefront. If we can’t get the records/information we can’t point out the county’s errors, omissions, and dare we say, blunders.

Mr. Rogers appointment expires on June 30, 2024, with this delightful email string and the up close and personal relationship Commissioner Hill has with Rogers we hope she will recuse from voting, but hey, that happening is as far fetched as finding out why Agatha Christie disappeared for two weeks in 1926.  

You knew we’d bring this back to a book. Libraries are the best.


Who’s Knocking at My Door?


Dumb Luck