The Nevada Independent has announced they will be selling advertising on their website. Such a great idea. We thought why not? Contact PIcon at if you’re interested in drinking deep.
Picon Press Media LLC
Many folks don't trust the media. That's not news. At Picon Press Media LLC, we hope to regain that trust through nonpartisan coverage that is grounded in public records and guided by transparency, not innuendo or online grandstanding. We'll follow the facts - for you.
City of Reno's Greatest Show: Making Ethics Disappear
Watch in amazement as the City of Reno's "Gang of Seven" performs their most spectacular illusion yet - making developer deals vanish before elections, only to reappear like magic in 2025.
What's that behind your ear? Oh, just another zoning change.
Renoites start paying attention to what the City of Reno Government is up to. Remember the city put all their developer buddies, builder pals, and lobbyist BFFs on hold in 2024 so they could get reelect.
Voters Need a Voice in the City of Reno
The Reno City Charter Committee was questioned by Councilmember Reese regarding their suggestion of daring to want councilmembers elected by the voters instead of appointed by the Reno Mayor and City Council, when a seat is left vacant.
Schieve’s “Big Juice Job” at City of Reno
Back on July 29, 2024, the Reno City Charter Committee met with the Reno City Council with their final report and recommendations. The focus of the meeting was a report from the City Charter Committee and what to do with those pesky 2025 Bill Draft Requests to be put forth by the Reno City Council.
Is There Ever Too Much Disclosure?
Not at the City of Reno where there is almost no disclosure. Oh sure, at all the meetings often one of the councilmembers or mayor reads a disclosure statement, but we’ve had a difficult time remembering individuals not voting on an item because of a disclosed conflict.
Judging Political Contributions
It takes a lot to bring Picon down, but as we penned this story we were struck by sadness and question what is happening to our elections in Washoe County, Nevada.
“No Gun Club” Club
Picon’s been reading articles about contributions to different political candidates here in Washoe County since the Nevada Secretary of State Contribution and Expense Reports dropped on July 15, 2024.
Who’s Driving the ADU Train
Picon was surprised to read that ADUs Accessory Dwelling Units are coming back to the City of Reno Council meeting on July 31, 2024. The city staff will be presenting their recommendations, and you know the council almost ALWAYS follows the of staff reports.
Intimidation 101, or AKA, How Dare You Take Beadles Money
This situation appears to involve complex local political dynamics and potential legal issues surrounding a city council election recount in Reno, Nevada.
Kathleen Cares! When Did That Start?
The June 12, 2024, City of Reno Government City Council meeting had everyone on the edge of their seats, especially during the discussions surrounding Agenda Item D.2 - Allocation of Contingency Funds for Fiscal Year 23/24. It felt like an episode of Survivor as we awaited the fate of the allocations.
Dumb Luck
Picon believes in dumb luck do you?
Dumb Luck is something good that happens in an unexpected way, especially when it is not deserved, you know, it was just dumb luck.
We published an article on May 27, 2024, and used a photo of City of Reno Appointed City Councilmember Kathleen Taylor and the individual who is the Executive Director of Karma Box Project that we found online. Dumb luck.
The Neighborhood Knocking Nightmare, “Meet Me in the Middle, Kathleen Taylor”
The joys of campaigning door-to-door as an appointed incumbent - that special blend of quizzical looks and backhanded compliments that makes grassroots politics so wildly entertaining.
Duerr is a “Do-er” For Some
We’re always amused when elected officials think the public is either daft or foolish and won’t remember or follow-up. They do. Our readers are very sleuth-like, and we had a reader send us some links, and a political fundraising invitation. It intrigued us because we didn’t realize a person who spoke at a Washoe County Commission meeting in April 2023 became a City of Reno Planning Commissioner in June 2023. Shame on Picon for not paying attention.
More Political Theatre at the City of Reno
Mary Kay Ash said, “Sandwich every bit of criticism between two layers of praise.”
The City of Reno City Council needs to take that quote to heart. Picon finds it odd the City of Reno Council Members enjoy praising staff, as Mayor Hillary Schieve says, “staff is amazing” but seem to be at odds with one another. Dysfunctional in their approach to working within the body.
Reese Rants at Karl Hall Too
Picon is publishing this legal decision from Judge David Hardy Washoe County District Court Department 15, because of a number of comments City of Reno No-Longer-At-Large Councilmember Devon Reese made on April 10, 2024. Reese, as usual, pummeled Councilmember Jenny Brekhus calling her a liar and pointing out the lawsuit she brought against the City of Reno had been denied by Judge David Hardy. Reese gleefully pounced on Jenny’s loss, but to call a fellow councilmember a liar that might be going just a bit far.
I Never Saw the Package, Until Today
Commissioner Mike Clark reached out to us yesterday afternoon after having been called out by City of Reno Mayor Hillary Schieve for being in the audience of the Reno City Council meeting…
Enemies at City Hall
Picon ponders the tit for tat of politics this season. Okay, we’ll take some of the heat because we can be petty and snarky too but is it simply too much this year? Do we have the wrong people in office? Too many appointed individuals?
As the dust settles after elections, it becomes clear that our elected officials are driven by the desire for re-election. Instead of prioritizing the needs of the constituents who elected them, they seem more focused on securing their next position to advance further in the political hierarchy.
Colleagues and Cocktails
Ever wonder what the City of Reno is spending your hard-earned taxpayer dollars on. Legal stuff. Lots and lots of legal stuff…
$139,759.77 Per Year Demands Transparency
Are you making $139,759,77 in total pay and benefits per year? We’re not either, but reportedly Councilmember Devon Reese is according to Transparent Nevada. This raises questions about the transparency of city officials and the availability of public records. It also answers our question as to why so many candidates are running against him, not a bad payday.
How Many Times Can Renoites Wallets Be Drained?
The Reno City Council will vote on Wednesday to add an additional Storm Drain Fee. This is triple taxation. Residents already pay for Storm Drain through the Capitalization Fund which is nearly one-third of the Sewer Bill. Everyone in Washoe County is paying one-half of 1/8% of sales tax to Flood Management which can be used for storm drains, storm water, and emergency managers. The other half of that tax went to Reno’s ReTrac (oh, the memories).
What’s a Girl Gonna Do?
It would seem as if City of Reno Mayor Hillary Schieve’s dance card is full.
The question is where will she be?