The Nevada Independent has announced they will be selling advertising on their website. Such a great idea. We thought why not? Contact PIcon at if you’re interested in drinking deep.

Picon Press Media LLC

Many folks don't trust the media. That's not news. At Picon Press Media LLC, we hope to regain that trust through nonpartisan coverage that is grounded in public records and guided by transparency, not innuendo or online grandstanding. We'll follow the facts - for you.

Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

What’s Missing From Reno’s Food Scene

What is that flavor? Is that lemon verbena?

The dish was lush, silky — if silk were conjured from chocolate, sugar and cream. It tastes so fresh, it’s like sipping rain.

 Do you see where we’re going with this?

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Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

Gotta Love Jenny Brekhus

Okay, Picon will admit to sometimes being frustrated by Jenny Brekhus over these many years when she has taken us down the path of doing what is right for the City of Reno residents.

Is it frustrating listing to Councilmember Brekhus trying to hold us all to a higher standard, yes.

Is it exhausting, and sometimes you want to side with her foes, one wants to shout, “Jenny, can you just let it go.”  

Brekhus has been a champion of the residents of Reno since the day she was elected. No one can dispute that.

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Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

Is There Ever Too Much Disclosure?

Not at the City of Reno where there is almost no disclosure. Oh sure, at all the meetings often one of the councilmembers or mayor reads a disclosure statement, but we’ve had a difficult time remembering individuals not voting on an item because of a disclosed conflict.

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Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

The Prospectors’ Club Tumbles to a New Location

The first gentlemen’s clubs, most established in London from the late 17th century onwards, were highly exclusive, offering aristocratic and wealthy men a refuge from work and family. The eligibility of potential members depended on their class and genders, with women banned…

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Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

Enemies at City Hall

Picon ponders the tit for tat of politics this season. Okay, we’ll take some of the heat because we can be petty and snarky too but is it simply too much this year? Do we have the wrong people in office? Too many appointed individuals?

As the dust settles after elections, it becomes clear that our elected officials are driven by the desire for re-election. Instead of prioritizing the needs of the constituents who elected them, they seem more focused on securing their next position to advance further in the political hierarchy.

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Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

Rules for Thee and Not for Me

Picon was sent these photos from a reader who was around the Nevada Cares Campus last week.

The photos snapped of a recently purchased, bright and shiny, totally branded vehicle for Karma Box Project from the City of Reno.

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Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

Far Far Away

Picon finds it curious that City of Reno Mayor Hillary Schieve indicated in an interview with RGJ Mark Robison that the firm the City of Reno retained to investigate Councilmember Jenny Brekhus was someone from out of the area, but in fact that seems to be a bit of a mistruth. Schieve commented to Robison in the November 7, 2023, article, “It was decided to hire a Reno litigation attorney Brian Irvine of Dickinson Wright to find an investigator who was “very, very removed from the political environment here.” Schieve added the person was picked from out of state.

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