$139,759.77 Per Year Demands Transparency

Are you making $139,759,77 in total pay and benefits per year? We’re not either, but reportedly Councilmember Devon Reese is according to Transparent Nevada. This raises questions about the transparency of city officials and the availability of public records. It also answers our question as to why so many candidates are running against him, not a bad payday.

In response to the lack of transparency, This Is Reno has brought forth a Nevada Supreme Court case to shed light on the issue. As a result, the Appellant’s Reply Brief, we are making available. Picon feels constant exposure of the lock-down for public records must be discussed as often as possible.

As Councilmember Reese is up for election in the newly minted Ward 5, there is a growing call for transparency from the public. A sitting council member should make these text messages available. The public, those folks we call voters, have a right to review these messages, as they should be considered public records since Reese is texting them in his capacity as a paid public official.

We call upon Reese to make the text messages public. Elected officials need to prioritize transparency and openness in their actions.

Save the Nevada Supreme Court the time and for gosh sakes do the right thing and release these text messages. Per This Is Reno, Publisher Bob Conrad, their argument Reese’s social media messages made in his capacity as a public official are public records. Email Reese at the City of Reno asking for copies of the text messages. Or if you live and vote in Ward 5 attend a city council meeting and ask during public comment - nothing like having a voter ask for records on a live streaming video.

Picon questions in 2024 why elected officials are attempting to skirt public records requests, it is happening throughout the State of Nevada.


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