How Low Will Kris Go?

City of Sparks Ward 5 Councilman Kristopher Dahir seems to be reduced to wince-inducingly juvenile lows in his desperation against campaign challenger Washoe County School Board Trustee Joe Rodriguez.

The mental imagery of Dahir commanding his campaign staff and volunteers to dispatch letters soliciting his opponent's neighbors for yard sign locations. Dahir’s campaign must attempt to dishonor Rodriguez’s good name and reputation through his neighbors. Honestly, you can't make this Dave Chapelle-esque foolishness up.

Joe Rodriguez has been doing a whole lot of canvassing for Ward 5 City Council and Dahir has not been walking due to ‘health.”

Dahir has been announcing to anyone who will listen that he will be winning the election in the primary with 50% +1. Might he be blowing a lot of hot air, we get the positive reinforcement angle, but if Kris has this election in the bag, why sink so low as this attempted smear signage campaign against Rodriguez?

Picon has written at length about Sparks City Councilmember Kristopher Dahir and his election maneuvers and manipulations in 2024. Heck, good ol’ Kris even has his wife texting for him for support and walkers. This latest communication, however, is hitting it pretty below the belt. We ask with 10 days left prior to the primary, “How low will Kristopher go?”

These gravely deceptive shenanigans are simply par for the course for Dahir. After all, scripture tells us the devout often stumble hardest when temptation comes a-knocking. In Kris's case, it's the seductive whispers of retaining that sweet, sweet municipal honey pot of Ward 5 through any means necessary.

Let's be perfectly clear here - this nakedly transparent ploy has nothing to do with optimizing signage visibility or other vapid campaign trail trivialities. No, Dahir is unambiguously attempting to psychologically obliterate an opponent through weaponized cringe and twisted perception judo.

We get it, you’re saying, what’s the big deal Dahir wants yard sign locations and he’s asking Joe Rodriguez’s neighbors. But this is so much more than that. This is attempting to make Joe Roderiguez look bad, hurt his psyche, and impact his reputation. Ironic that Dahir, a minister, would enthusiastically greenlight borderline unethical debasements of a competitor's dignity and mental wellbeing.

Dahir won’t be successful, but let’s just say Dahir he is and gets a whole lot of yard signs in Joe’s neighborhood, development, and even on the very street where Joe lives. What message will that send? That’s right “Joe’s neighbors don’t like him.”

We’d bet Dahir and his campaign team or volunteers would run with the fact that Joe’s not friendly with his neighbors, they don’t like him, photos would appear on social media, Nextdoor would have strings of inquiry, “would you vote for a small-town councilmember whose neighbors don’t like him.”  That would harm Mr. Rodriguez’s reputation. Plus, it is hard enough to run a campaign and stay sane, but again what would that do to Mr. Rodriguez to have to fight the stigma of ‘my neighbors don’t like me’ mentally. It might hurt his campaign, but that would be what his opponent is gunning for.

Exactly which holy doctrine covers mercilessly antagonizing thine neighbor through underhanded dirty tricks and shady political stunts? We must've skipped that Sunday School session extolling the virtues of bad-faith public demolition jobs.

Kudos to level-headed Rodriguez for maintaining noble stoicism amidst the playground provocations. Upholding one's dignity and withholding satisfaction from schoolyard bullies is oft the higher road.

Picon wishes you the best of luck keeping that smile sunny and resolve unbroken whilst Dahir grasps at increasingly unhinged stunts.


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