Powerful Or Not?

Picon would like to point out to the Republican Women of Reno President Debbie Hudgens, who neglected to identify herself as the club president in responding to our post, we didn’t say a word about Sigal Chattah and her need for reimbursement of her flight to Reno.

You, Ms. Hudgens choose to comment on “those trying to humiliate her for requesting funding.” We applaud Ms. Chattah for taking the time out of her busy schedule to come to Reno and speak to the members of your club; if we had been Ms. Chattah we would have asked for a speaker fee, not just airfare.

Our question was based on the Republican Women of Reno billing themselves as one of the larger more powerful clubs in Nevada, and you need to troll for flight miles in order to fly Ms. Chattah up. You can’t pay $300 bucks. How can a club who “bills” themselves as powerful not have available funds. We simply found it questionable, not that it was a slow news day, simply asking a question, and Ms. Hudgens, we’d like to point out your club made it a story.

The reason it became a story would be the response on the chat string about “showering with a 14-year old girl” by the Republican Women of Reno. Do you think this comment is going to help get your candidates elected? Granted you were responding to a comment about Trump, but tit for tat? As an organization representing Republicans who are trying to get Republicans elected decided to make such a comment?

You point out your club members generously give fundraisers for candidates. After the comment are you sure Republican candidates who are running in nonpartisan races won’t have to think twice before accepting generous fundraising offers from your members or club.

We have elevated this to the NFRW National Federation of Republican Women for comment.


We Got It Wrong


Parting the Red Sea at Washoe County