Picon Applauds the Brave

We have written a lot about the Nevada Cares Campus and realized at one point it would take a number of people coming forward to hopefully get outside investigations started.

We hope this letter, from a former Washoe County employee, which was sent to the Washoe County Commissioners and members of the press is the start of real information coming from the Nevada Cares Campus. Not Washoe County controlled propaganda.

The significant reluctance of homeless individuals to seek shelter at the Nevada Cares Campus cannot be dismissed. Their genuine fears and concerns must be addressed and taken seriously. It is crucial to understand the reasons behind their apprehension.

Residents of Washoe County need to call upon County Manager Eric Brown to have an independent investigation of the Nevada Cares Campus, by a third party, not controlled or hand-picked by Brown.

Oh, and to keep Picon’s snarky reputation, doesn’t Washoe County have a new bullying policy? Don’t we remember discussions from a former Washoe County Commission Agenda?

When you read this letter the former Washoe County employee states, “I served as the Northern Nevada Matchmaker from October 2022 until May 2024 when I quit due to workplace bullying from my then direct supervisor, and current Northern Nevada CoC Coordinator.” We hope Washoe County has a Human Resources investigation started, those records will never be made public, but it would be the responsible course of action.


Seniors in the Sun for Biden


Kathleen Cares! When Did That Start?