Seniors in the Sun for Biden

The recent visit of First Lady Dr. Jill Biden and Jane Fonda in Reno on June 14, 2024, has brought about mixed feelings among senior citizens who attended. While the visit was touted as an event focused on seniors, many attendees were left disappointed by the lack of consideration for their needs.

Seniors who attended the event expressed their disappointment at the absence of a structured ‘Question and Answer’ session, as well as the removal of handicapped parking, and getting to endure 93-degree heat outside the venue without any shade being made available. Many felt that the event was merely a photo opportunity, rather than a genuine effort to address the concerns of seniors in the community.

It was noted that both Dr. Jill Biden and Jane Fonda's participation in the event was linked to their recognition of the significant influence of senior voters. Fonda, in particular, highlighted the high voting rate among seniors and emphasized the importance of addressing issues that are pertinent to this demographic. Jane Fonda was quoted in the Reno Gazette Journal: seniors vote at higher levels than other constituencies – “We’ve lived long enough,” she said, “to know what’s at stake.”

The apparent oversight of the needs of seniors at the event was evident, as VIPs were comfortably seated inside the venue attendees were left standing outside in the heat. The removal of handicapped parking and the lack of provisions for shade or water reflected a lack of consideration for the well-being of the seniors in attendance.

Those who were not required to stand in the blazing hot 2PM sun, former Lt. Gov. Kate Marshall, former Attorney General Frankie Sue Del Papa, Nevada State Democratic Party Chair Daniele Monroe-Moreno, Assemblywoman Angie Taylor, Reno City Council member Meghan Ebert, Washoe County Commissioner Alexis Hill, and Washoe County School Board Trustee Alex Woodley.

Upon arrival seniors learned the handicapped parking had been “removed” due to security. Seniors had to park at great length and hoof it over to the Plumas Gym. Seniors lined up in the sun outside the building, no tents to keep them out of the heat, no misters, no water, as they awaited a security check and metal detector. They were told to arrive about 1:45PM and the line started moving about 2:00PM-ish. Why leave a bunch of seniors, at a hyped-up senior event, standing in the sun. Did it dawn on any of the folks inside the building that voting seniors were standing in the sun. Did no one think? Or did no one care?

One woman in line was feeling a little wonky from the heat and another senior approached Biden’s staff and inquired if there was any water. They answered, “water is inside.” Wow, that’s doing a whole lot of good. Eventually, they brought the woman a bottle of water, and then someone must have suddenly had a thought inside the gym, and water was brought outside.

All political parties, courting the senior vote, need to have meaningful and empathetic approaches to engaging with seniors, rather than viewing them solely as a means to gain political support. Participants stressed the significance of honoring and respecting the elderly and urged for a shift towards authentic care and consideration for their needs. Not just a whole lot of hype and photos.


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