Nepotism: A Lesson by Bob Lucey

Bob Lucey’s attorney wife was the sole applicant for lucrative federal grant dollars in 2017, public records show. These funds, administered by Washoe County, allow the recipient to collect up to $95,000.00 annually.

When your wife is coincidentally the only applicant for a guaranteed $95,000.00 a year grant, and you are the Chair of the County Commission, is how this dirty plan begins. Megan Lucey somehow found about this chance at grant dollars, even though it was only posted for one day in the RGJ, on a Wednesday day of all days.  Is it also a coincidence that she sent her resume to her Commissioner husband two months before this came out, and that it appears she used a covert email address to make sure it was unnoticed. Why did she wait until the last day to submit her application?

Megan Lucey applied for this grant; out of nearly 1,000 local attorneys, she was the sole applicant. In fact, we don’t even see any inquiries from other attorneys based on the trove of emails provided by Washoe County. This grant, which promises $95,000.00 annually, has given the Lucey family over $400,000 in extra cash since she was awarded the money. Don’t fret, Bob Lucey got the District Attorney to write him a letter so he is safe from scrutiny.

However, emails show she had sent her resume to her Commissioner husband on March 05, 2017, and then had a mystery meeting two weeks later with Paul Lipperelli, then Chief Civil District Attorney who oversaw the Board of County Commissioners.  She was selected for the grant and in August 2017, and Paul Lipperelli wrote a memorandum citing all sort of statute and case law and absolving Bob Lucey of any wrongdoing and approving the entire process.

It also appears that while on maternity leave she collected grant funds for those months. When we asked the County for deliverables and progress reports for the grant, as required by the grant, they refused. So, it does feel like free money to the Commissioner’s wife!


Agenda Item 8 Megan Lucey by Picon Press Media LLC on Scribd

Psa for Voca-lucey (1) by Picon Press Media LLC on Scribd

The Lucey Group.xlsx - Sheet1 by Picon Press Media LLC on Scribd

Megan Lucey Proposal by Picon Press Media LLC on Scribd

RFP 3023-17 VOCA Victim's Services Coordinator (1) by Picon Press Media LLC on Scribd

Meghan Lucey - RFP Advertised One Day.dotx by Picon Press Media LLC on Scribd


A Mole: In the darkest parts of Washoe County Government


Sitting Municipal Court Judge Spoo apparently had no comment when asked if the county managers wife was given special access to the court.