A Mole: In the darkest parts of Washoe County Government

On May 16th, 2022 ProPublica published a bombshell article by Anjeanette Damon implicating numerous government officials in an alleged scheme to defraud the United States government out of over $164 million at the cost of Washoe County residents’ health; in the course of PCR testing, they are accused of missing 96% of positive cases and trying to cover it up. In the story Damon referenced text messages from Angelo Palivos - one of the Palivos family members running Northshore’s Nevada operations - to Dave Solaro - the assistant county manager for Washoe County; in the messages Palivos wanted to figure out who filed a complaint so he could get it rescinded. Solaro responded by saying, “I am digging in with my mole now.”

On May 20th we filed a public records request asking Washoe County who Solaro’s mole is. They responded by saying that our request did not constitute a public record, and they have routed our request to an appropriate staff member. We will wait not-so-patiently for future communications from Washoe County and Dave Solaro.


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