Former business partner to Bob Lucey’s step-dad and local developer Dane Hillyard; when not cozied up to the City of Reno is pleading for leniency on one of John Burkett’s DUI cases.

Why did Dane Hillyard support Bob Luceys step-dad on this DUI case? Was it not enough that John Burkett killed Kelly Kolozsi in 1989? Now, in 2003, successful developer Dane Hillyard is coming to his aid.  We know from public records that John Burkett killed Kelle in a drunken collision near Lake Tahoe. Mr. Burkett served a short sentence, thanks in part to many letters like this one, received on his behalf.  Kelle was not well known, he didn’t have a developer daddy or a long list of “who’s who” in Reno to help ensure his killer got a stiff sentence. In fact, after just two years, Mr. Burkett was free and he continued to be arrested for DUIs well into adulthood.

Tell us, what are the optics when “affordable development” comes with its own logoed water bottles? Nothing says, “we are here to help the poor”, like a logoed water bottle!


H. Clinton’s Attorney, Gov. Newsom’s Campaign Manager running a Republican-supporting PAC


This apple appears to be rotten, to the core: Berkbigler