Disclose, disclose, disclose …

Picon found this an interesting list of lawyers from Washoe County Government Board of County Commissioner’s Meeting tomorrow, August 20, 2024.

Look at Agenda Item 10.E.1 – Recommendation to approve the revised Pro Term Justice of the Peace panel for the Justice Courts pursuant to NRS 4.032; and approve the same list to serve as potential Administrative Enforcement Code Hering Offices pursuant to Washoe County Code 125.225.

More than forty names, why are the elected Justice Court Judges gone that much? Is the court that backed up? Do they need more judges?

But also, these folks have another role:

The Administrative Enforcement Code authorizes hearing officers to preside over administrative hearings when the County Commission elects to not conduct the hearing itself. Washoe County Code (WCC) section 125.225 requires that the County Commission approve a list of all persons to serve as hearing officers. Hearing officers operate under an independent contractor agreement with Washoe County Manager’s Office. On April 13, 2010, the County Commission approved the use of the Pro Tem Justice of the Peace list for Administrative Hearing Officers. These individuals have an understanding of judicial proceedings and the ability to facilitate fairness and equitability in such proceedings. Individuals on the Pro Tem/Hearing Officer list contracted as Administrative Enforcement Code Hearing Officers receive annual training in administrative hearing procedure. Since 2010, these individuals have served in both roles.

Going through the list we were struck by a few things. Washoe County could only add one new applicant Jennifer Richards. No other local lawyers want to help out?

Jennifer Richards is a candidate for Reno Justice Court Department 1 being supported by City of Reno Councilmember Devon Reese. We noticed her opponent Cotter Conway is on this list, but apparently, he’s been doing this for a while, or at least since 2022, but wouldn’t it be more appropriate to skip having candidates be Pro Term Justice while running. But, hey, what do we know.

Jason Guinasso is on the list, former law partner of Councilmember Devon Reese, supporter of Commissioner Clara Andriola, made a video for her campaign. Guinasso used to be legal counsel for Incline Village General Improvement District, oh, and he’s sued Washoe County Board of County Commissioners over an Open Meeting Law Complaint, OAG File No. 13897-290. Plus, Guinasso has been busy with others and tagging onto their lawsuits. We wonder if Commissioner Clara Andriola will make a disclosure about her relationship with Guinasso tomorrow.

Picon enjoyed seeing Ronda Clifton’s name – isn’t her husband a Justice Court Judge. You know Judge David Clifton in Department 5.

Ann O. Hall, the wife of Reno City Attorney Karl Hall, is on the list. Mrs. Hall, the Senior Associate General Counsel for The Meruelo Group. Isn’t that the same Meruelo Group who supported Judge Kathleen Sigurdson in 2020? Sigurdson is the judge who would not allow media in her courtroom for a hearing about former Reno City Manager Doug Thornley wife’s domestic incident call. Sigurdson just got told by the Nevada Supreme Court to rethink her decision.

A number of people who ran for judge, were defeated, are listed. Bruce Hahn, Cotter Conway (he gets a double mention), Jenny Hubach, Doug Rands, John Springgate, and Henry Sotelo – after a quick run-thru of the names. Let us understand, voters didn’t choose to elect these folks to be a judge, but Washoe County overlooks the voters’ choice and appoints these folks as Pro Term Justice of the Peace.

But the name that stands out better than all the rest is Kelli Anne Viloria, wife of Tom Viloria at Viloria, Oliphant, Oster & Aman L.L.P.. Mr. Viloria just happens to be the lawyer retained by Melody Brown, wife of County Manager Eric Brown.

Melody Brown doesn’t work, so perhaps County Manager Brown paid Viloria’s fee. The Brown’s hired Tom Viloria to defend Melody’s drunk driving arrest in May 2021. Mr. and Mrs. Viloria work at the same law firm. Should County Manager Eric Brown say something, anything, make a disclosure on the dais?

We’re lucky to have these folks, a lawyer the caliber of Ann Hall who the Meruelo Group trusts to be their Senior Associate General Counsel. Kelli Anne Viloria who used to all but run the Washoe County District Attorney’s office. Theresa Ristenpart one of the best criminal attorneys in northern Nevada, just check out her win rate.

Look, these lawyers on the list are all good lawyers and good people and Washoe County is lucky to have them, but our point is, “how about some transparency.” How about the year they started serving as a Pro Term Justice by their name, you know, transparency Washoe County.

Also, what do Washoe County taxpayers pay for this program? Dollar amount please.

Washoe County, starting in 2019, since Manager Brown has been leading the team, seems to have shut down as much information as they can, as quickly as possible so residents are left to flounder and eventually give up – but that’s Brown’s ultimate goal.

If residents want to know more, well it’s their job to find out, call Washoe 311, ask for public records, comb through old records, etc. Risk being called a conspiracy theorist, or election denier, or some other label. With all the public records being requested the county can claim to be so swamped that they can stall other public records requests, like ours, to keep information from getting out. It’s a wicked cycle County Manager Eric Brown has created.

PRO TEM JUSTICE OF THE PEACE LIST August 20, 2024 Last Name First Name Preferred Court NEW FOR 2024 Richards Jennifer M. I, R, S, W CURRENT LIST, NOT REQUIRED TO RE-APPLY Baker William P. I, R, S, W Beyer Elizabeth Webb R, S Brock Arnold I, R, S, W Brown Douglas R. R,S,W Clifton Ronda R, S Conway Cotter C. I, R, S, W Field-Lang Cheryl R, S Ghusn Nancy Moss I,W Gorman, Jr. Edmund J. I, R, S, W Guinasso Jason D. I, R, S Hahn Bruce C R, S, I Hall Ann O. I, R, S, W Halstead Patricia I, R, S, W Holderer Gayle I, R, S, W Hubach Jenny Diane I, R, S, W Hylin Carl Foster I, R, S, W Keller Hans R. I Krasner Lisa M. I Leeder Nancyann R, S Linton Linda J. I, R, S, W Lyon Katherine H. I, R, S Maiss Lance P. I, R, S Malone John E. I, R, S, W Mangiaracina Melissa I Molezzo Richard A. I, R, S, W Mumm Christopher Eric I, R, S, W Pizzano-Miraglia Patricia I Prutzman Judy Ann I, R, S, W Rands Douglas I, R, S, W Ristenpart Theresa I, R, S, W Sabin Gregory D. I Sotelo Henry I, R, S, W Springgate John I, R, S, W Stralla Roy L. I, R, S, W Ting Nicole N. I, R, S, W Viloria Kelli Anne I, R, S Vinson Robert E. I Wieland Robert E. I, R, S, W Wolf Andrew N. I Yu Daniel J. R, S I = Incline Justice Court R = Reno Justice Court S = Sparks Justice Court W = Wadsworth Justice Court


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