Despite overwhelming public comment opposing this item, the Commission voted to approve this spending in a block vote

During the June 21, 2022, Washoe County Board of County Commissioners meeting, much of the public comment surrounded agenda item 18, which would allow the County Manager, at his sole discretion, to pay for attorneys and public relations firms for employees who he determines are “victims”.  Although the public comment was on point, Kitty Jung and Alexis Hill saw fit to include the item into “block vote”, meaning that any commissioner opposed to this particular item would be forced to vote against the other 15 items, many of which were positive items that likely would have had unanimous support.  The block vote is way to silence debate and enjoin the item with others that are not controversial.  Only Jeanne Herman stood with the public, voting against this item!

Picon has several public record requests pending to determine who is on the Washoe County Workplace Violence Committee (WCWVC), what their policies and procedures are and what sustained allegations they have found in the last 24 months.  What we do know, the County just voted to give Eric Brown the discretion to spend up to $150,000 on lawyers and PR firms for employees who have been harassed or threatened.  We have yet hear how a threat is defined, maybe it is directed at us?  We still have outstanding Public Records requests beyond the Nevada Law requirement of 5 days.  When we ask, we are met with stonewalling or silence. Maybe that is considered harassment? To ask for our legally obligated documents?

We are also curious as to why Mike Clark waived any chance to recover legal fees from the County? According to Clark, he thought it wasn’t fair to make Washoe County residents pay more of their tax dollars!  And what did the county do in return, they are seeking legal fees from Mike Clark!

We are not much for conspiracy theories, however is it possible that Bob Lucey has made a deal to work with a high-end local PR firm, that will coincidentally be the recipient of some of Eric Browns $150,000 defense fund? We will have wait and see.


Why is Wendy Leonard referring to another woman’s rectum during public comment?


Cory Henderson: Revisited