Why is Bob Lucey resigning from all committees and boards, except NACo?

We note Washoe County Commissioner Robert ‘Bob’ Lucey waited until he was honored by the National Association of Counties (NACo) on September 26, 2022, before pulling his ‘I resign’ all regional board positions as a representative of Washoe County, except NACo – we assume because they must have a heck of a holiday party he wants to attend, or maybe he is angling for a job.

Picon Press wondered why Washoe County has an agenda item on the Board of County Commission meeting on Tuesday, October 25, 2022:

So now we know, based on Commissioner Lucey’s decision to resign, appointments need to be made. Or do they? Most of these boards don’t need to be re-assigned until new commissioners are sworn in. Many a time Commissioner Lucey has been absent from a Regional Transportation or a Reno Sparks Convention and Visitors Authority (RSCVA) meeting which can be verified by board notes and video. So why is it critical these positions be filled before new commissioners are sworn in? Could this be to place certain commissioners, Vaughn Hartung and Alexis Hill in certain regional board positions that they might not be a representative of in the new year. Meaning they currently have a 4-to-1 vote, with Hartung-Hill-Jung-Lucey all voting as a block at many meetings leaving Herman as the sole dissent. This four-block-vote would allow Hartung and Hill to get the plumb regional boards and stand a good chance of being left in on theses boards into January 2023.

Our next question is for the $106,307.99 that Commissioner Lucey earns annually as a county commissioner, should his salary be reduced commensurate to the reduction in work during his last two months? He is resigning from all but one board, so he’ll go to five more commission meetings, one being to ratify the vote, and that’s it. Why are taxpayers being asked to continue to pay him until December 31, 2022, why allow him the health care benefits, and so on.






Judge not, that ye be not judged


I Scream, You Scream, Washoe County Thinks Senior Citizens Scream for Ice Cream