The Nevada Independent has announced they will be selling advertising on their website. Such a great idea. We thought why not? Contact PIcon at if you’re interested in drinking deep.

Picon Press Media LLC

Many folks don't trust the media. That's not news. At Picon Press Media LLC, we hope to regain that trust through nonpartisan coverage that is grounded in public records and guided by transparency, not innuendo or online grandstanding. We'll follow the facts - for you.

Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

Watching the Watchers: County Claims "Oversight" After Federal Raid

In a remarkable display of selective memory, a Washoe County Assistant County Manager is now assuring commissioners they're "staying on top" of the Tertiary Counsel Group program. This sudden vigilance comes due to Commissioner Mariluz Garcia's pointed questions at the March 11th meeting.

What the reassuring email conveniently omits? This is the same administrator who was supposedly "overseeing" the Alternative Sentencing/Justin Roper/Sober 24 program—you know, the one where US Marshals showed up with warrants and seized records. Apparently, federal raids fall outside Washoe County’s definition of effective oversight.

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Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

County Manager's Attempt at a Cover-Up Exposed

Please read to the bottom of this article and look at the complaint filed by criminal attorney Theresa Ristenpart. You’ll want to note the troubling information about Sober 24 and their testing methods “Including Forcing Pretrial Client to Strip Search Before Testing” - say what? Was County Manager Eric Brown and his staff aware this was taking place at Sober 24?

Has County Manager Eric Brown suddenly morphed into a legal expert, "warning" commissioners to keep quiet about the Justin Roper investigation. His excuse? Speaking might "risk of possibly interfering" with the law enforcement investigation or is it an "HR matter." Keep up Eric, choose one.

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Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

Another Lawsuit in Sparks: Kurtz vs the City of Sparks City Council

Lawsuits, Lies, and Local Leadership: The Sparks Saga Continues

Former Sparks City Manager Neil Krutz is finally doing what anyone with a grudge and a lawyer on speed-dial would do – suing his former colleagues. The target list reads Team Krutz: Mayor Ed Lawson, Councilmember Paul Anderson, and former Councilmember Kristopher Dahir. Let's not forget the trio of troublemakers (in Krutz's eyes, anyway) – Councilmembers Bybee, Vanderwell, and Abbott – who had the audacity to suggest maybe, just maybe, his management style needed a review.

Remember Krutz's greatest hit? That memorable YouTube performance where he informed the Sparks Fire Union that he had fired Fire Chief Mark Lawson, a decision that burned through taxpayer dollars faster than a wildfire through dry brush. The irony of Krutz now crying wrongful termination is richer than a casino owner's bank account.

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Purge of Voter Rolls vs Purge of the Registrar of Voters

On Tuesday, October 15, 2024, CV24-02182 Citizen Outreach Foundation ET AL vs Carre-Ann Burgess, in her official capacity as the acting Registrar of Voters for Washoe County has a 9AM court date in the Second Judicial District Court, Department 3, with the Honorable Judge Tammy Riggs.

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Rupert Murdoch in the Second Judicial District Court

If you can’t get enough Rupert Murdoch, his children, and News Corp court battle – well read attached. It’s the best we can do for you if you’re as obsessed as we are with this evidentiary hearing as much as we are … well maybe the 79 lawyers are listed as working on the case might be equally as obsessed.

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