The Nevada Independent has announced they will be selling advertising on their website. Such a great idea. We thought why not? Contact PIcon at if you’re interested in drinking deep.

Picon Press Media LLC

Many folks don't trust the media. That's not news. At Picon Press Media LLC, we hope to regain that trust through nonpartisan coverage that is grounded in public records and guided by transparency, not innuendo or online grandstanding. We'll follow the facts - for you.

Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

What's Brown Hiding? ROV Selection Committee Signed NDAs ?

When did selecting a Registrar of Voters become a classified operation?

County Manager Eric Brown has turned what should be a transparent process into a closed-door affair, complete with non-disclosure agreements. Let that sink in: A committee filled with county employees selecting someone to oversee our elections are being sworn to secrecy.

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Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

Disparage Me!

Welcome to the latest episode of "Who Really Cares About Seniors?" starring our very own Washoe County Commission.

In this corner: Commissioner Mike Clark, actual admitted senior citizen and long-time champion of senior issues. In that corner: Commissioner Clara "Photo Op" Andriola, suddenly discovering seniors exist. Behind the curtain: Chair Alexis Hill, puppet master, and motivated to make sure Mike Clark is not reelected in 2026.

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Ain't No Accountability at Washoe County

Once again, Washoe County is playing fast and loose with taxpayer dollars, serving up a masterclass in how NOT to manage public funds. Let's break down the latest installment of "Who Benefits?"

Exhibit A: The Seven Magic Mountains Boondoggle Remember those rocks that Commission Chair Alexis Hill decided must be relocated Northern Nevada via the Nevada Museum of Art? A cool $500,000 of taxpayer money, and what do we get?

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Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

Washoe County Continued Hiring Despite Budget Concerns

At the January 21, 2025, Washoe County Board of Commissioners meeting, Commissioner Mike Clark highlighted a striking contrast: the county hired over 300 new employees in 2024 while simultaneously facing what Our Town Reno reports as a $27 million budget deficit in 2026.

When contacted for comment, Clark offered to provide documentation from Washoe County explaining the rationale behind these hires. The county's defensive stance raises questions, particularly given County Manager Eric Brown's October 2024 warnings about reduced funding for the 2026 budget due to stagnant or declining tax revenues.

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Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

PR Stunts vs. Basic Needs: A Tale of Missing Priorities …

Well, folks, here's your contrast in senior advocacy. Washoe County Commissioner Mike Clark is blowing up Facebook attempting to get Washoe County seniors some decent food to eat, not just a cold sandwich, calling the press; bringing the food to county meetings showing department directors and staff what is being fed to seniors.

But in Sparks their senior advocate Councilmember Donald Abbott is mounting his own press campaign, touting himself, crafting heartfelt Valentine's cards (how quaint), to be handed out to senior citizens in February. Councilmember Abbott makes sure there are enough valentines to accompany Meals on Wheel deliveries as he mentioned on KOLO yesterday. Hey, Donald, heads up, we think the seniors would like some food they can eat, a hot meal instead of five days of cold sandwiches which we ponder if the “meal” meets state or federal guidelines. But where the heck are you? That’s right you’re on KOLO TV Morning Break with Katie Roshetko talking valentines and not food. Find a spine and bring up something important, no it’s all Abbott self-promotion.

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Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

Washoe County's Latest Recipe: How to Serve Cold Sandwiches with a Side of Incompetence

Turns out Washoe County forgot one teensy detail while shutting down the 9th Street kitchen - actually getting permits for the backup plan. Yes, folks, in a building that LITERALLY HOUSES the Northern Nevada Public Health Department, they couldn't get their permitting ducks in a row. You can't make this stuff up.

So now, our seniors are being served the "Washoe County Special" - cold sandwiches for FOUR STRAIGHT DAYS. Oh, and no soup because they don’t have the permitting to cook it.

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Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

Washoe County's Latest Plan: How to Freeze Your Seniors While Pretending to Care

Picon noted that media/press are asking questions as to the closure/remodel of the Washoe County Senior Center on 9th Street. You know, the facility that County Manager Eric Brown and his Human Services team are remodeling during the winter months in Northern Nevada.

Grab your parkas - Washoe County's putting on quite the winter performance. Picture this: elderly residents shivering outside a makeshift dining room in January because somebody thought winter was the perfect time to remodel the Senior Center. But hey, at least County Manager Eric Brown got his cozy $34,000 bonus. Who needs outdoor heaters when you've got all that warm bureaucratic air?

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Picon Press Staff Picon Press Staff

Creamed Spinach That Makes Chewed Paper Look Michelin-Starred

Oh, honey. Washoe County is doing that thing again where they think we can't do basic math or read between the lines. Let's break down this bureaucratic theater, shall we?

Picture this: Once upon a time, seniors got daily visits with their hot meals. Now? They're lucky if they get a lukewarm "here's your food, bye" drive-by. But don't worry! Commissioner Mariluz Garcia has written very important "opinions" about Washoe County Seniors in the RGJ. Slow clap

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Democracy Schmemocracy: When 'No' Means 'We'll Find Another Way

Well, well, well... What do we have here? A masterclass in creative interpretation of voter will, starring the Washoe County Library saga. After voters rejected the $4.5 million library funding measure, some folks are playing a fascinating game of bureaucratic Twister.

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Queen of the No-Meeting Kingdom: A Tale of Democracy-ish

In the thrilling saga of "How to Avoid Accountability While Running a Homeless Shelter," starring Commission Chair Alexis Hill, we bring you the latest episode of "Why Have Meetings When You Can Just Tell The Wall Street Journal Everything's Fine?"

Picture this: Commissioner Mike Clark, apparently under the wild impression that advisory boards should actually ... advise, keeps requesting to schedule a CHAB meeting. The audacity! Doesn't he know the last meeting in May 2024 was practically yesterday? (If by "yesterday" you mean seven months ago, and before that, September 2023 - but who's counting?)

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Alexis Hill’s CHAB Strategy: Can't Complain If You Can't Meet

Washoe County has effectively silenced homeless residents at the Nevada CARES Campus by minimizing Community Homelessness Advisory Board (CHAB) meetings since September 2023. This started after Teresa Bacon, a resident, publicly criticized the County and Commissioner Alexis Hill about conditions at the campus. Rather than address Bacon's concerns, the County launched a counter-campaign against her.

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Washoe County's Seniors a “One Biscuit” Priority

Nothing says "Season's Greetings" quite like Washoe County's culinary insult to seniors on December 20, 2024: a solitary dry biscuit, minuscule country gravy, accompanied by two strips of bacon and some canned fruit – a meal that would make Tiny Tim look spoiled.

The architect of this nutritional nightmare? TRIO Community Meals, now proudly serving disappointment county-wide thanks to a crack procurement team that managed to attract exactly one bid – TRIO’s. How convenient. While Commissioner Mike Clark – the only commissioner who actually eats these meals – voted no, the cheerleading squad of Andriola, Hill, and Garcia, happily rubber-stamped this culinary catastrophe.

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More “Gruel” for You, Seniors.

While Washoe County Human Services staff swears the senior meals are "pretty good" (presumably between bites of their county food truck scheduled lunches), Commissioner Mike Clark has spent 18 months fighting an uphill battle for basic dignity in senior nutrition. But why let quality food get in the way of bureaucratic convenience?

In a masterclass of transparency, the county refuses to show even their own commissioner the competing bids for contract #3255-24. Apparently, elected officials don't have the security clearance to see what county employees are reviewing. Makes perfect sense – if you're writing a satire about government dysfunction.

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