Picon's First Opinion

Picon’s Publisher, Larry Chesney, has been chewing on publishing readers opinion for about a year now, and this week he said, “What the hell, let’s do it.”

To explain why we’re now going to offer opinion columns, once a week, we need to consider the importance of diverse perspectives and discourse. Chesney commented, “In today's world, where information is constantly accessible and opinions are readily shared, it is crucial to provide a platform for individuals to express their thoughts and viewpoints.”

Opinion columns serve as a powerful tool for sparking dialogue, promoting critical thinking, and fostering a deeper understanding of complex issues. By offering a variety of voices and opinions, we can create a more inclusive and dynamic environment where readers are exposed to a range of ideas and perspectives.

Furthermore, opinion columns can provide insights and analysis that go beyond traditional news reporting, offering readers a deeper understanding of the nuances and complexities of the world around them. By engaging with opinion pieces, readers can challenge their own beliefs, expand their horizons, and ultimately become more informed and empowered citizens.

In today's rapidly changing and increasingly fragmented media landscape, offering opinion columns is not only beneficial but necessary. It allows us to tap into the diverse perspectives and experiences of our readers, fostering a sense of community and enriching the overall dialogue. So, let's embrace the power of opinion columns and open up new avenues for discussion, debate, and enlightenment.

Picon’s disclosure: The views expressed in this opinion do not necessarily represent the views of Picon Press Media. 

Submit Opinions to: virginiahally@piconpressnv.com



On April 16th, I had my candidate interview with the Public Safety Alliance of Nevada (PSAN) seeking their endorsement for Sparks City Council Ward 1. As I was waiting in the lobby, I could hear my opponent Councilmember Donald Abbott finishing up his interview. As he was getting ready to leave, I heard him ask the officers, “Hey do you guys want some beer? I brought you some beer”. Abbott then came through the lobby and though surprised to see me, he proceeds to his car and hands off two 6-packs of beer to one of the interviewing officers in the parking lot.

During my interview one of the questions asked was, "What makes you different from your opponent?” To which I replied, "Well, for one thing I didn’t bring you any beer.”  Having said that there was nervous laughter from around the table. 

Why on earth would a standing Councilman put our law enforcement officers in that position? Do they offend him by declining a gift from the Councilman that votes on the City of Sparks Police bargaining contract. 

After taking a long walk with the dogs, sleeping on it, and talking with family, it just became more and more clear that everything that is dragging our city down originates from this “Good Ol’ Boys” mentality displayed by my opponent. 

My son, told me that the whole thing sounds like the perfect scenario for a #Keystone Light Unsmooth Moments commercial …” Had I known all it takes for an endorsement was a couple of six packs of beer, heck I would have brought a 30-pack.”

All kidding aside, as I walk neighborhoods and talk with residents, safety is one of their biggest concerns. They're all tired of items being stolen from their yards and homes. They’re tired of having their cars stolen or vandalized and they worry, will the next police standoff and shoot-out be in their neighborhood.

Voters are angry and disappointed by the constant stream of lawsuits and settlements plaguing the City of Sparks. They just want some common sense, honesty, and transparency back in government.

I am thankful for, and I support our men and women in law enforcement and truly believe that safety is the foundation of a strong community. I also believe it’s time we break up the Good Ol’ Boys club and elect Individuals that are serious about finding real solutions to the challenges we face. That’s why I’m running for Sparks City Council Ward 1.  

Chris Garvey is a resident of Sparks and a candidate for Sparks City Council Ward 1.


It’s Your Contributions, Except Eugene


Sit, Don’t Stand