It’s Your Contributions, Except Eugene
Picon is thinking of becoming a candidate in 2026 so we can absurdly use campaign funds as some candidates are doing in these 2024 races.
When you get a contribution from a constituent that person might have reached deep into their pocket to help you. Probably money that they will miss but are motivated to change government and make a difference in their community. We applaud those folks, and we need more of them, but how do we find more of them to give when candidates expenses are questionable.
Now Picon has not had time to go through all the Contribution and Expense Reports, but we found five candidates whose expenses we find questionable and perhaps a little cavalier.
After This is Reno penned their ten-part series, marvelous investigative reporting, we learned the residents of Reno, from the comments posted, do not like Reno’s out of control spending by councilmembers. They seem to like electeds to have respect for their hard-earned taxpayer dollars. We would think the same could be said for contributions, frugality by the candidate would probably be respected.
As we are pouring over the reports, and were surprised at the amounts being spent per month on campaign management and fundraising, and a couple of the other odd expenses are listed below:
1. Sheila Peuchaud who now is apparently Sheila Browning-Peuchaud, it would seem she changed her name, brought in a total of $12,474.73 and used some of her contributions to buy herself “office supplies” on February 12, 2024, at the Apple Store. Purchasing something for $1,289.14. At least we know she didn’t buy paper clips.
2. Joe Rodriguez has an interesting miscellaneous expense of $1,006.48 to Men’s Warehouse. We didn’t realize Rodriguez is such a fashionista. Most of the time we see him photographed in jeans, t-shirt, and casual jacket. Is his sudden interest in fashion due to it being campaign funds he is spending and not his hard earned money.
3. Eugene Hoover appears totally transparent. He funded his own campaign with $10,000 and then paid Covert Consulting Company $2,000 for consulting. When we took a minute to look up this company it seems to be located at the UPS Store at Plumgate Center. Further checking revealed that this company’s managing member is Miranda Hoover. He’s paying his daughter to consult on his campaign with his own money that he contributed to his own campaign. Guess you could say he’s keeping in the family. Picon just questions the fiscally of this spend. How about advising for free?
4. Tracey Hilton-Thomas took some of her contributions, $2,400 and is planning on playing golf on September 27, 2024, in Henderson, Nevada. Hilton-Thomas must be pretty confident that she’s moving on from the primary to the general election. Does this mean Hilton-Thomas is a political sandbagger?
5. But our ultimate question is what is up with buying everything under her website address. What is being bought and why can’t we mere mortals, you know the voters, have transparency?