Oy Vey, Caughlin Homeowners Association

If this proposed ordinance passes residents of Caughlin Ranch HOA will be unable to fly these flags. 

If a proposed ordinance change in Caughlin Ranch is approved residents will be only able to decorate for Christmas, but NO Hanukkah or Kwanza per the proposed HOA change.

Oy Vey – can you say federal lawsuit.

It is that time of year when ghoulish homeowners are visiting their local Home Depot and Lowes buying monster skeletons for their yards.

Boo!!! These type of decorations would be banned in Caughlin Ranch of the proposed ordinance is approved. 

Hey, Hocus Pocus to you, unless you live in Caughlin Ranch. That’s right, Halloween if this ordinance change takes place will be banned.  

Let’s talk lawsuit, we reached out to a number of residnts who are upset about this proposed HOA change and they commented the HOA hides behind “Executive Board Meetings” and, hence, residents cannot attend. We didn’t spend a lot of time delving into the HOA meeting rules, since we had so many residents tell us they are going to ask their attorney to reach out to the HOA and inquire if they need to enter into litigation in order to keep these “scary” changes from being approved.

From Fox 11, “the Caughlin Ranch Homeowners Association rewrote its rules and regulations to propose only allowing holiday decorations that are recognized federally or by the state of Nevada. If the board goes through with the changes, residents could decorate for Christmas and Thanksgiving because they are federally recognized holidays. Kwanza and Hanukkah are also not federally recognized holidays.”

Interesting that 96-year-old Edgar Kleiner was interviewed by Fox 11 thinks it's a good idea. “That’s fine with me. I don't think it's unreasonable at all. But because I think that 99% of those decorations are a terrible waste of plastic," he said. Kleiner also thinks flags should be limited to military and American flags.

Flag flying at the Nevada Museum of Art - circa 2010. 

Is this the same Edgar Kleiner with his late wife Ella (who passed away in 2017) that were profiled by the Nevada Museum of Art who displayed their art collection? Per This is Reno on November 8, 2010, “the display at the Nevada Museum of Art as part of Selections from the Edgar F. and Ella C. Kleiner Collection. “This is a very important and generous gift to the museum and to the community as a whole,” commented David B. Walker, Executive Director | CEO of the Nevada Museum of Art. “The Museum extends its sincerest thanks to the Kleiner’s. The works in this exhibition, many of which will be a bequest to the Museum, will fill a very important gap within the Museum’s Sierra Nevada | Great Basin Collection featuring works that survey the art of our geographic region.”

Mr. Kleiner doesn’t want trick or treaters to be bedazzled by the Halloween decorations as they pick up their full-sized Butterfinger or Hershey’s Bar out of the artfully carved heirloom pumpkin in Caughlin Ranch? Well bah humbug.

Carved Heirloom pumpkin. 

Per Google the board members of the Caughlin Ranch Homeowners Association are:

Al Dennis, President

Mike Ginsburg, Vice President

Drew Naccarato, Secretary

Steve Bremer, Treasure

Michele Attaway, Director

Allen Black, Director

Thomas Keiffer, Director 

We then double checked on the Caughlin Ranch Homeowners Association website to verify the board members. Any name jump out at you? Cuz it sure did us.


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