County Manager Eric Brown Said No Soccer Stadium in South Reno
Not only did Eric Crump, Washoe County’s Director Community Services go on the record at the South Truckee Meadows/Washoe Valley Citizen Advisory Board meeting last Thursday, December 5, 2024 that there is no stadium being planned in South Reno, as captured by Auditing Reno 911.
Washoe County Manager Eric Brown chimed in at the Washoe County Board of County Commissioner meeting yesterday, December 10th stating “no stadium.”
During Commissioners/County Manager comments, County Manager Eric Brown said, “We do have an opening on the Debt Management Commission. There are two at-large positions applications close on December 31st at 11:59PM, so if anybody is interested, please go to the website and file an application.
There is also an opening for the Open Space and Regional Parks Commission so for those of you who are concerned about a potential stadium being built in South Valleys, or the master plan at Rancho San Rafael this is the body that oversees the expansion and how we proceed with our parks, invite you to apply, the applications close on December 23, at 11:59 PM.
And I just want to say with regard to Item 9 this really is a matter around the expansion of the park to provide many of the amenities that the public has been asking for including additional flat fields, baseball and softball fields, restrooms, picnic areas and so forth. It has nothing to do with a stadium. There is no stadium proposal that the county is considering. There is no appeal of a stadium proposal; all of those things are false and the process if you follow it through the Open Space and Parks Commission has been very open and transparent, the meetings have minutes, and you can go back and see how we got to where we are, including with the measure that the board is going to vote on today. So again, if the Open Space and Parks Commission has an opening and if you’re interested in getting more involved in directing or guiding the parks and open space we welcome you to apply.”
Time stamp of County Manager Eric Brown’s “no stadium” statement on December 10, 2024.
Isn't it fascinating how County Manager Eric Brown suddenly found his voice about the soccer stadium saga? After months of playing hide-and-seek with the issue since July, he picks now – mere days before his employment review – to make his grand proclamation.
South Reno residents, consider this your public service announcement: Grab those thumb drives and download December 10th's commission meeting faster than you can say "convenient timing." File it under "Things People Say Before Performance Reviews."
It's amazing how the prospect of a job evaluation can sharpen one's public stance, isn't it? Five months of stadium chatter resulted in cricket chirps from Brown's office, but suddenly – poof! – here comes clarity, served just in time for his review.
Pro tip: Store that video somewhere safe, South Reno. Because memories in county government can be shorter than a politician's promise, especially when stadium developers come knocking with their PowerPoints and promises.
Remember, folks: In Washoe County, timing isn't everything – but it sure is something.